Detail form "Africae tabula nova", 1570, by Abraham Ortelius, Antwerpen
The entire map has been placed in Wiki Commons by PALMM Project
Cutting of the detail by User:Ulamm, 2007-02-04
Description: The whole map is quite legendary, rivers Nile, Congo (Zaire), and Zambesi (Zuama) flowing out of the same lake, visible in the northwestern corner of this cutting. The Limpopo is painted as a branch of the Zambesi. Sofala (Cefala), already described by Al Masudi 650 years before, is placed much too near to the mouths of the Zambesi. Manica (Manich) and Zimbabwe (Simbaoe) are placed not far from their actual locations.
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Detail form "Africae tabula nova", 1570, by Abraham Ortelius, Antwerpen<br>
The entire map has been placed in Wiki Commons by [[User:PALMM Project]]<br>
Cutting of the detail by [[User:Ulamm]], 2007-02-04
Description: The whole map is quite legendary, riv
Lisää yhden rivin pituinen kuvaus tästä tiedostosta