Dental Office Organization
LEAN organizational strategies and hacks to consolidate dental supplies, decrease clutter, & improve inventory management and resupply
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No Twisting Needed With Over-The-Head Dental Delivery
The team at Sala Family Dentistry utilize dental workstations from Ergonomics Products for "Over-The-Head" dental delivery where everything is within reach of the dentist and assistant and out of patient view. The workstations are also easily converted from lefty to righty use.
The Universal Dental Workstation "Makes Us So Much More Efficient" - Dr. Jason Sala
The Universal Dental Workstation is the most feature rich delivery system available and our most popular. It offers over 6 square feet of usable clinical work surface at both the dentist’s and assistant’s fingertips. These dental units, when stocked properly, will house all of the tools, supplies and consumables necessary to accommodate your most common dental procedures, what we call your 90% Procedure Profile. The Universal Dental Workstation introduced the dental industry to Over-The-Head Delivery. In this method of delivery, all materials, supplies and instruments are positioned within easy reach of the Dentist and Assistant. This reduces physical strain, dramatically increases productivity by eliminating wasted motions.
Do I Need Sinks in Dental Treatment Rooms?
Do I need sinks in my dental treatment rooms? What about those hand disinfectants as a replacement for washing with water? This video will discuss two decisions to help you conclude whether or not you need or want sinks in your treatment rooms. For more information, visit our blog post on this subject
How Dental Assistants Easily Manage Dental Lab Cases With "Bachman" Pulldown Cabinet
Locate and reach any lab case in less time, with less effort with the "Bachman" Lab Pulldown from Ergonomic Products ( These Pulldowns are available in double or triple bar configurations, depending on the available, unused ceiling space in your lab. In the video, Emma is working with a double Pulldown configuration.
Why Side Cabinets in a Dental Treatment Room are a Bad Idea
Why Side Cabinets in a Dental Treatment Room are a Bad Idea - Even if They're Free. | Design Ergonomics | How you Equip has a great deal to do with how you perform. Side cabinets were created as a solution to the ever-growing demand for a broader range of procedures and techniques back in the 60’s. But once a practice grows beyond 2 doctor treatment rooms, the room stocking method that we refer to as “room centric” Begins to break down. Adopting an office-centric restocking plan is faster, less expensive, and more productive.
Great Central Resupply For Your Dental Team - Over The Shoulder Event At Perfect Smiles
Great Central Resupply For Your Dental Team - Over The Shoulder Event At Perfect Smiles Use vertical space and visual inventory to make a great dental resupply area that your team will love working in. Immediately see what your supply levels are, and use hydraulic, triple pulldown cabinets to store supplies vertically in a way that is super easy to access. Check out the video at
What procedures do you perform 90% of the time? Although you’ve probably never really thought about this question, it shouldn’t take you long to answer. The fact is, there are probably a small number of procedures that you do 90% of the time. One of the most fundamental principles of LEAN thinking is the 90% more #leanmanufacturing #dentistryworld #dentaltipsandtricks
Control Inventory in Your Dental Practice
Clinical Specialist Angie Bachman shares key strategies on how to develop Kanban and manage inventory in your practice. “The word Kanban comes from the Japanese word meaning “billboard or signboard”. Kanban is a workflow management method for defining, managing and improving systems. The philosophy behind a Kanban is to help you visualize your work, maximize efficiency and improve continuously…. You are probably already practicing Kanban on some level already and don’t even realize it!”
Top 5 Systems To Improve Performance Now
Whether you have been practicing for 30 years or about to open your first set of doors, a bad habit is a bad habit. They may start early, but it’s never too late to change! Maybe you’re producing $10k an operatory per month or dream of it. It is possible to produce 2 and even 3 times that amount. When you opened your doors 10 years ago, you thought everything was A-OK. Then you underestimated your math of growth. Before (more) chaos ensues, let’s talk about a couple things.
The MUDA Effect: Why Waste Is Holding You Back
If I asked the vast majority of you how you handle waste in your dental office, I might hear, “throw it away”, “pitch it”, or “flush it”, right? No, this isn’t a “please recycle” blog, although hmm, that sounds like a good topic. I’m talking about the Japanese manufacturing term “muda” – production waste. If you think by waste I am only referring to garbage, you’re about to learn a little something; muda covers a lot more than simple trash. “Huh?” Let me explain.
What Does A Happy Dentist Look Like?
“What does a HAPPY dentist look like?” Clinical Specialist, Angie Bachman explains, “In researching this blog, I Google’d, “what does a happy dentist look like?” I’m not sure why I did that. Maybe, I was literally looking for a picture of a happy dentist. I don’t know. The experts say, dentists need to maintain a healthy work-life balance.” The work-life teeter totter is not going to magically balance itself. Sure, this all sounds great in theory but how is it possible?”… read more!
Whether you are a weekly reader of this blog or this is your first time, you will hear me banter about LEAN and LEAN manufacturing principles in a dental practice. But what is it? What does is mean? Why are you writing about it? Well, let me try to do this in less than 1000 words. Ok, here it goes: The basis of LEAN is doing more with less. Ok! Well, that was easy. Thanks for reading…Just kidding.