Study Websites

This board is about study websites aesthetic, free study websites aesthetic, study websites for students, study websites high schools, study websites timer, study websites for notes, study websites college, study websites Pomodoro, and more online resources to help you be a motivated and and productive student!
22 Pins
How to Romanticize Studying
Studying may seem boring sometimes, but whether you like it or not, it’s a part of school. So, instead of wishing that you don’t have to study, think about ways that you can make it more fun! Click here to find some aesthetic study timer app and aesthetic study timer website! #studyingtimers #aestheticstudytimeronline #aestheticstudytimerapp
Free Notion Template to Increase Productivity Immediately
This aesthetic Notion template is completely customizable for you to change as you need. It's super helpful to increase productivity, AND it's a free notion template! #digitalplannertemplatefreedownload #notionforstudents #freenotiontemplatesforstudents
How to Take Notes for School (Simple and Effective)
Click here to see how I take effective school notes. In this post, I talk about my favorite notes app as a student (and it's free!) #digitalnotesapp #notetakingappsipad #aestheticappsfornotes
Secret Ways to Make Studying More Fun
Do you want to become more efficient? Well, most of us students want the same thing. So, to be more productive, it’s best to have a good frame of mind. Click here to find the best aesthetic study timer to make studying fun and get more done! #bestpomodorowebsites #romanticizeschool #onlinestudytimers
My Favorite Free, Life-Changing Notes App
Click here to learn about my favorite digital notes app as a student. This app allows me to organize my academics and hobbies and plan ahead! #ipadaestheticnotesapp #notetakingapps #cutenotetakingapps
Take Effective Notes on Your iPad
If you're looking for aesthetic, easy to use note taking apps, you've come to the right place. Click here to see my favorite online note taking method with tips and descriptions! #appsfornotes #cutenoteapps #takenotesonipad
The Only Organization Apps You'll Ever Need
This digital planner has completely transformed both my student and personal life. After you get this app, you'll never have to look for any other aesthetic apps for organization again! #digitalplanner #organizationappsaesthetic #aestheticstudyplannerapp
The Best Note-Taking Apps to Make Your Notes Effective
I've struggled to find a good, organized notes app that I felt comfortable using, so in this post, I'll tell you all about my all-time favorite note-taking app. #aestheticnotetakingappsforipad #appsfornotesipad #goodnotetakingapps
Life-Changing Study Websites to Help You Find Study Motivation Immediately
These study websites for students are serious game-changers! Whether you're studying for exams, working on a research paper, or seeking inspiration, these study websites will make you excited to start working. #studentlifehacks #universitystudentslife #studytipsforstudents
Unbelievable Productivity Planner App to Become More Organized
This app is my favorite app for planning. It allows me to keep track of my projects and to-do list and is so customizable. Click here to learn more! #goodplannerapps #freeonlineplanner #freedigitalplanner
The Best Planner App (Free and Easy-to-Use)
Are you looking for a customizable planner app to help with your studies? Well, as a student, I've been doing the same thing. Click here to find my personal favorite planning apps for school! #plannerforbetterlife #organizationapps #goodschoolplannerapps
A Complete List of Aesthetic Pomodoro Timer Apps and Websites
As a student, I’ve often found studying boring. However, when you have the right student mindset, studying can be fun, too. Yeah, this may sound difficult (how to make studying fun?) but all you need is an aesthetic study timer. Here, you'll be able to find 17 of my favorite study timers! #timersforstudents #romanticizestudying #aestheticstudytimer
Study Websites for Students That Will Make You Excited to Study
This list of free study websites aesthetic is a serious game-changer. The websites on this list literally make me excited to study, which is something I never thought I'd say! You need to check it out if you're looking for immediate study motivation. #studywebsitesforstudents #studywebsitestimer #studywebsitestimer #backtoschool
Study Websites for Students to Instantly Motivate You to Study
I was feeling so unmotivated to study and am so glad I came across this post! This list of study websites for students includes websites with a Pomodoro timer, ambiance websites, and websites for aesthetic note taking. It's seriously so great, and you'll definitely find something to motivate you to start studying!
Must-Have Notion Template for Students
If you're looking for ways to set up Notion for school, you've come to the right place. Click here to view my tips for Notion. You can also find a free aesthetic notion template here! #freenotiontemplates #digitalplannertemplate #howtosetupnotion