Reading and Writing Worksheets

This board is all about reading and writing centers and activities that are worksheets. Here, we gather the best ideas about elementary literacy ideas to make learning fun and no prep. Learn more about our first grade, 2nd, and 3rd grade activities at
149 Pins
Teaching Reading Strategies with Concrete Experiences
Guide your students to interact with text in a meaningful way while learning their reading strategies! Bring the strategies to life with Comprehension Crew characters and concrete connections! #comprehensioncrew #readinginstruction #elementaryreading #sharedreading #readingstrategies #interactivereading #comprehension
Lessons By The Lake – Enter Your Tagline Here
Teach the reading strategies of connecting, inferencing, summarizing, questioning, visualizing, synthesizing, evaluating, predicting, and clarifying with these fun characters! The Comprehension Crew will help you teach reading in a concrete and engaging way. You students will be authentically interacting with their text with this program!
Reading Strategies Concrete Experiences
Inspire your readers to gain a meaningful connection with reading strategies with concrete experiences! Instructional plans for shared reading as well as activities for guided reading or reading intervention are explained!
Good Readers: Make Inferences
Books for teaching inferencing- strategies and ideas for modeling making inferences with these mentor texts!
Connections Mentor Texts
Wordless picture books perfect for teaching connecting! You can teach and model the reading strategy of making connections with these mentor texts!
Good Readers: Make Inferences
Strategies and books for teaching inferencing! These mentor texts are great for modeling making inferences.
Teaching Reading Strategies with Concrete Experiences
Guide your students to interact with text in a meaningful way while learning their reading strategies! Bring the strategies to life with Comprehension Crew characters and concrete connections! #comprehensioncrew #readinginstruction #elementaryreading #sharedreading #readingstrategies #interactivereading #comprehension
Reading Strategies Concrete Experiences
Inspire your readers to gain a meaningful connection with reading strategies with concrete experiences! Instructional plans for shared reading as well as activities for guided reading or reading intervention are explained!
Lessons By The Lake – Enter Your Tagline Here
Teach the reading strategies of connecting, inferencing, summarizing, questioning, visualizing, synthesizing, evaluating, predicting, and clarifying with these fun characters! The Comprehension Crew will help you teach reading in a concrete and engaging way. You students will be authentically interacting with their text with this program!
Good Readers: Make Inferences
Books for teaching inferencing- strategies and ideas for modeling making inferences with these mentor texts!
Connections Mentor Texts
Wordless picture books perfect for teaching connecting! You can teach and model the reading strategy of making connections with these mentor texts!