My Fashion Butler specializes in buying and selling only authentic high-end and contemporary apparel and accessories, including designer clothing, furs, fine and costume jewellery, handbags, belts, shoes, and sunglasses. We also offer a unique service where you can sell your fashion assets to us and get paid the same day. Our commitment is to make the consignment process fast, easy, and confidential. Authentic New GUCCI Runway Black Virginia Lace Heels / Mary Jane Pumps with rhinestone buckle, fringe and leather trim. Made in ITALY MIS-MATCHED SIZE left shoe size 6.5 US / 36.5 EU right shoe size 5.5 US / 35.5 EU --------- very small difference in full insole length - 1/4" Dressing well is a form of good manners." Tom Ford Retail price: was purchased at Gucci in New York City Size: left 6.5 US / 36.5 EU (stamped) right 5.5 US / 35.5 EU (stamped) Measurements: width - 3" heel - 3.5" very small difference in full insole length - 1/4" Shipping: Packages are shipped within 24