Let's try writing some simple tests for our security rules.
Run npm install
from this directory, and make sure that you have a recent
version of the Firebase CLI tool
installed (you'll need firebase --version
to be at least 7.0.0
To start the firestore emulator and run the tests:
firebase emulators:exec --only firestore 'npm test'
If another app's using the port, update the firebase.json file to look like this before you run the command above.
"firestore": {
"rules": "firestore.rules"
"emulators": {
"firestore": {
"port": "PORT"
Either way, the command runs all the tests in the tests/
✓ require users to log in before creating a profile (71ms)
✓ should enforce the createdAt date in user profiles (79ms)
✓ should only let users create their own profile (57ms)
✓ should let anyone read any profile (40ms)
✓ should let anyone create a room (44ms)
✓ should force people to name themselves as room owner when creating a room (48ms)
✓ should not let one user steal a room from another user (119ms)
7 passing (607ms)