Our agency is migrating to a new transit vehicle CAD/AVL partner, which is changing our standard GTFS and GTFS-RT route_id and trip_id entities.
We historically had GTFS and GTFS-RT using unique/sequential trip_id (and route_id) entity values, each time a new service calendar period was published - which allowed "merging" of active and pending schedule period GTFS files into a combined fileset (active service period might have trip_id values 10001-20000, pending service period would pick up at 20001 thru 30000).
The new CAD/AVL GTFS and GTFS-RT system does not use sequential trip_id values from service calendar period to service calendar period. When copying pending schedule period trip_id rows into the active schedule period's GTFS trips.txt file, validation fails due to repeated trip_id usages (a hypothetical trip_id value of 1-1-001, for hypothetical Route 1 Direction 1 Trip 001) is present in both the active and pending schedule period's data.
Question is that, while it would seem that logically, GTFS might effectively differentiate duplicated trip_id values using the associated service_id value and the calendar.txt and calendar_dates.txt files - on a date by date basis - I did want to confirm that active GTFS spec does not permit this (trip_id 1-1-001 on service_id 1 and calendar.txt service_id 1 dates 20240801 thru 20240817 cannot be differentiated from trip_id 1-1-001 on service_id 1 for calendar.txt service_id 1 dates 20240818 thru 20240901)
The concept of modifying the default GTFS trip_id values (for active, pending or both schedule periods), to create a merged file that eliminated duplicate trip_id values across these schedule periods would break correlation with the default GTFS-RT feed data still using the default (unmodified, duplicated) trip_id values.
Any feedback is welcomed.
Thank you