Sign up: GeoJSON in GTFS? - A strategic discussion

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Elias Gino Cripotos

Aug 4, 2023, 11:14:57 AM8/4/23
to GTFS Changes

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🦜 During our discussions surrounding GTFS-Flex a larger issue has caught the community's attention. Some stakeholders have brought up whether we should officially include GeoJSON within GTFS as a whole or stick to .txt/.csv formats. This could represent an important precedent for GTFS as the spec was originally designed to rely on simple data structures (.txt/.csv) in favor of simplicity and practicality.

📯 We invite you to join the discussion on the issue to share your thoughts. This is especially important if you can't make it for the meeting.

MobilityData proposes the following scope: Solving geometries within GTFS

❓ Possible questions:

  1. Is this a geometry problem or a larger problem beyond geometry? What are the implications of GTFS reformatting?
  2. Why did we choose GeoJSON in Flex? What else can GeoJSON do for GTFS (possibilities)?
  3. What types of geometries should we target?
  4. What is the most appropriate format for geometries?

📔We will be running the meeting on Miro for better idea sharing.

Disclaimer: This is not a GTFS-Flex meeting

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