When you create a post on Tumblr, the latest iteration of our editor (sometimes referred to as NPF, short for Neue Post Format) enables you to add multiple types of content into a single post. Every post made from the Tumblr iOS or Android apps uses this format. 

In the Apps

Upon opening the post editor, you’ll see a row of icons along the bottom of the screen.

Tumblr mobile app editor icons. They are described in the text below, in order of appearance.

From left to right:

Note: When you’ve got some text highlighted, you’ll just see the Aa icon and the text formatting options. Deselect text to reveal the block type icons.

Each icon corresponds to a different type of content block that you can add to the post. We’ll go through each type of block below.

Text Options

Type some text in a post, then highlight it to bring up your text formatting options.

Selecting text brings up a menu to change that text's design. More information is below.

Here you’ll find the following options:

You can learn more about your text formatting options in this help article.

Tap the chain icon to insert a link block. Tip: If you already have your URL copied to your clipboard, Tumblr will ask you if you’d like to use that link.

Pasting in a link that was previously copied after pressing the chain icon in the post editor.

Inserting a GIF

Tap the GIF icon to bring up GIF search. Tap the magnifying glass to search for a GIF, or create your own by tapping “Create a GIF.”

You can learn more about creating GIFs in this article.

Adding a Photo or Video

Tap the photo icon to open your device’s image library.

After adding an image to your post, tap the 3 dots in the lower right corner to add alt text. The alt text should be a brief description of your image, as if you were describing it to someone over the phone, to make your post accessible to folks using a screen reader.

Tap the palette icon to edit your image with filters, stickers, and text.

You can also paste in a link from YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion to embed the video directly into any post.

You can learn more about how to take and edit photos over in this help article. Our article about posting videos is here.


Tap the headphones icon to search Spotify and Soundcloud for a track.

You can learn more about posting audio in this article.

Rearranging Content Blocks

You can press and drag a block to a different spot within your post.

Dragging blocks of content from one location in the post editor to another to change the layout of those blocks.

You can also delete a whole block by dragging and dropping it into the trashcan icon.

On Web

In a browser, the post editor uses the same content block types as its mobile counterpart but will look slightly different depending on which post type icon you click. We’ll go over the available options below.

HTML or Markdown

The post editor uses rich text editing by default, but you can switch to HTML or Markdown mode if you’d like. With the post form open, click the gear wheel icon in the top right corner. At the bottom of that menu you’ll see your text editor options. Please note that any advanced custom HTML aside from styling options already included in the post editor will be removed when saving your post.

Clicking the gear wheel icon in the post form, then selecting the dropdown next to "Text Edtior" will let you change from "Rich text" to either HTML or Markdown.

Text Posts

Click the Aa/text post option and you’ll see a familiar post editor.

A blank text post in our post editor.

The icons on the right side of the post are as follows, from left to right:

Type some text, then highlight it to bring up the text formatting options.

A text post where the text has been selected. A menu of formatting options has appeared above the selected text.

From left to right, the options are:

Learn more about your text formatting options here.

Photo Posts

Click the photo post icon to open the photo editor.

An empty photo post showing the options to upload photos or add images from web.

You can upload images from your device or add images by pasting a URL.

When entering a caption below your image, you will see all of the options we covered in the text posts section. You can add any content block type to the caption.

You can learn more about adding photos to your posts in this article.

Quote Posts

Clicking the quote post icon will open a text post with the text subtype set to quote.

A blank quote post in our post editor.

Click the link post icon to open a new post with a link block already inserted. You can then paste or type the URL you’d like to use in your post.

Chat Posts

Clicking the chat post icon will open a text post with the text subtype set to chat.

A blank chat post in our post editor.

Type some text, then type a colon and it’ll automatically be formatted as bold. For example:

kat: neat post, frank.

frank: well thank you very much.

Audio Posts

Click the audio post icon to open a post form with a pre-inserted audio block. You can search for a track on Spotify or Soundcloud, or paste an audio URL from Spotify, Soundcloud, or Bandcamp.

Learn more about audio options in our official Help Center article.

Video Posts

Click the video post icon to open a post form with the following two options.

An empty video post showing options to upload video or add video from web.

Click the option on the left to upload a video file from your device. Click the option on the right to use a video URL.

Click the little question mark to see how many minutes of video you have left today before hitting the limit.

You can learn more about posting video in this help article.


You can publish 250 posts per day, and Tumblr Premium doubles that to 500.

The new editor has some limits to be aware of for different content types:

In cases where two limits overlap each other, the more restrictive limit applies.

There is a limit of 1,000 content blocks in a single post.

Important. It is only possible to edit text and answers legacy posts from the apps. If you try to edit any other type of post you will get a message and the editor won’t open.

Did you know? You can fit approximately one-third of Moby Dick in a Tumblr post.

What About Post Types?

By default, all new original posts created via the new editor are considered text type posts. The semantic of a single “post type” no longer makes sense for NPF posts that can have a variety of content block types rather than emphasizing a single content type.

That said, NPF posts are mapped to a legacy post type depending on what content blocks you add to your post. You can read more about the logic here.

Tumblr Themes

Posts created using the new editor may display differently than legacy posts. To reduce the impact of this on blog themes, we added a simple CSS patch to your blog’s theme to improve the way posts appear on your blog. It’s on for everyone by default.

If you’re using a premium theme from our theme garden, please check your theme’s page to find the support contact and reach out to the theme developer. We recommend browsing our curated list of featured themes, where all of them marked with a red star are designed for compatibility with the new editor:

While we recommend sticking to themes from the theme garden to ensure you’re using a theme that is safe to use, there are reliable third-party sources for themes. Check out these makers on Tumblr, for example: , and  are all great resources. If you’re unsure of where to begin, we recommend a modern, up-to-date theme, like Vision or Stereo. Theme developer @eggdesign also built a theme template that works with new posts, making it easier to create something of your own! 
If you’re using a free theme or have created your own, you can learn more about creating or editing a Tumblr theme in our documentation:

You can also learn more about HTML and CSS in general by checking out these free resources:


For more on what went into creating the Neue Post Format, check out our Engineering blog post. The complete NPF specifications can be found on Github

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