Theatre for Youth

Theatre games, activities, crafts, scripts & more.
95 Pins
Warm-Up Game: Puppet Dance Party
Warm-Up Game: Puppet Dance Party - Here’s a warm-up game that is a lot of fun and gets students’ energy up. It’s a plus if you and your students are studying puppetry, but it’s not necessary to have done so. This is a great warm-up game to do in a virtual classroom because students can use the frames of their webcams […]
Kreative Ideen für Mobile basteln zum Selbermachen - ZENIDEEN
Weltall - Mobile mit Planeten und Sternen
Moon Craft
I have a space-obsessed kid in my house, so we love to do space crafts around here, and my son was very excited to do this moon craft! We made it extra fun and experimented with a different way to paint by making it foil-printed. This craft is great for preschool, kindergarten, first grade, or even older kids. It would also be a great art extension during a space theme in the classroom.
Art Enrichment Everyday October Activity Coloring Pages
Art Enrichment Everyday October Activity Coloring Pages