Greenland SharkShark WeekGreat White SharkOcean CreaturesBora BoraIn The OceanOcean LifeSea AnimalsAnimal ThemeCool wallpaper3840x2535 greenland shark 4k hi def desktop wallpaper5
Greenland SharkShark TattoosArctic OceanCat TrainingOcean LifeSea AnimalsThis GuyMotogpSharksGreenland SharkOcean on Instagram: “This is a 392 year old Greenland Shark that was recently discovered in the Arctic Ocean. This guy was wandering the ocean back in 1627! -…”15
Greenland SharkSea Creatures DrawingTypes Of SharksWater LifeFlorida State UniversityThe SharkShark WeekGreat White SharkSea MonstersAbsurd Creature of the Week: The Mystery of the Arctic's Toxic, Lethargic SharkYou definitely don't want to eat the Icelandic delicacy hákarl, but the shark it comes from eats ... pretty much everything.362
Swell SharkMegamouth SharkGreenland SharkThresher SharkBasking SharkTypes Of SharksCreature MarineShark FactsSpecies Of SharkssharkQuestions to Think About What are some differences between sharks and other fishes? Why do some sharks attack humans? The sight of a fin gliding through the ocean water can…26
Greenland SharkRare BreedDogs PoopingLarge AnimalsAnimals Of The WorldThe New YorkerSharksNew YorkerPolar BearThe Strange and Gruesome Story of the Greenland Shark, the Longest-Living Vertebrate on EarthM. R. O’Connor reports on how Danish scientists unravelled the mystery of how long Greenland sharks live, using carbon dating and a new method involving crystallines, proteins in the lens of the eye.11
Eldritch DragonDragon ReferenceGreenland SharkReference BoardSea DwellerArctic OceanUnusual AnimalsNorth SeaDeep SeaThe oldest living vertebrate, an Arctic sharkBelow is a 397-year-old Greenland Shark, the oldest living vertebrate, roaming the Arctic Ocean since 1627. 🦈🌍 Credit: Julius Nielsen26
Greenland SharkCute Easy DoodlesBottom Of The OceanDeep Sea CreaturesWeird FishShark LoverSilly PhotosAquatic AnimalsThe MarineGreenland Shark4
Greenland SharkTypes Of SharksLake MonstersShark FactsSpecies Of SharksCanadian WildlifeNational Wildlife FederationCarpe KoiFlorida State UniversityFirst Atlantic Marine National Monument Protects World’s Oldest Vertebrate - The National Wildlife Federation BlogIt’s just another day under the sea for the Greenland shark, the world’s longest-living vertebrate. But September 15, 2016, is also the day that nearly 5,000 square miles of this shark’s … Read more146
Arctic HabitatGreenland SharkDangerous CreaturesLeopard SealAggressive AnimalsEndless OceanSea BattleWii RemoteBlue WorldGreenland SharkThe Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) is a species of cold-water shark found in Endless Ocean 2 and Endless Ocean Luminous. Though dangerous in the second game, it is mostly harmless to humans in real life. It is renowned for its longevity and its slow swimming speed. "This large shark inhabits the depths of the Arctic Ocean. It can live deeper than 3,000 ft., so sightings are rare." "This large shark inhabits the depths of the Arctic Ocean. It can live deeper than 1,000 m, so…42
Greenland SharkSea SirenSea DreamShark PicturesDeep Sea CreaturesLife AquaticDeep Sea FishingAquatic AnimalsGreat White SharkGreenland Sharkvia tumblr2