Speech ArticulationSlp ActivitiesArticulation TherapySlp ResourcesSchool SlpSpeech PathSpeech RoomSpeech ActivitiesLetter To ParentsLateral Lisp TherapyLateral Lisp Therapy: The lateral lisp is a difficult speech sound error to change successfully.148
Frontal Lisp Activities Speech TherapyLateral Lisp Speech TherapyTongue ThrustArticulation TherapyTongue TieSpeech Language PathologistsParenting GuideSpeech And LanguageSpeech TherapyA Parent's Guide: Understanding Frontal and Lateral Lisps in Speech TherapyA Parent's Guide: Understanding Frontal and Lateral Lisps in Speech Therapy5
Speech Pathology ActivitiesArticulation Therapy ActivitiesSpeech Therapy ToolsArticulation GamesSpeech ArticulationTherapy TechniquesSchool Speech TherapySpeech Language ActivitiesSlp ActivitiesMy Best Tips and Techniques to Use When Working With a Lateral LispDean Trout's Little Shop of SLP: My Best Tips and Techniques to Use When Working With a Lateral Lisp1.2k
Lateral Lisp Activities Speech TherapyLateral Lisp Speech TherapySped OrganizationSpeech TipsArticulation Therapy ActivitiesAccent ReductionSpeech Therapy WorksheetsSpeech Therapy ToolsPreschool Speech TherapyHOW TO Remediate a Lateral /S/Remediation of a lateral /s/ takes patience and a step-by-step approach. I have had success using the ideas of Pamela Marshalla. This...390
S ArticulationArticulation Therapy ActivitiesSpeech And Language TherapySpeech ArticulationPlay Therapy TechniquesSchool Speech TherapySpeech PathologistSlp ActivitiesSlp IdeasLisp Speech Therapy | Articulation Therapy - The Pedi SpeechieArticulation Therapy for S Your student has an interdental lisp- or maybe a lateral lisp- and you're feeling stuck. This feeling is something I came across often in my speech therapy sessions. One day, I decided it was time to do something about it. I wanted to correct those lisps. I'm somewhat of a perfectionist279
Lateral Lisp Speech TherapyScrapbook Cards IdeasIdeas For ScrapbookProstate Health MenCards TutorialHealth RoutinePage ProtectorsSimpler LifestyleQuestions And AnswersLATERAL LISP BUTTERFLY TECHNIQUE AND INFORMATIONAL Handouts, Visuals, Task Cards😱 Shocking Discovery! 🍄 "Moldy Prostate" Found in 80% of Men with BPH 🚨 Are You Affected? WATCH NOW! 👀 Do have students with a lateral lisp where certain sounds are "slushy" or "wet"? This is EVERYTHING YOU NEED to treat your speech therapy students with a lateral lisp! You'll get a Lateral Lisp infographic with questions and answers for parents and teachers and lateral lisp exercises for the students! PLUS smaller task cards for your to take with you on the go…1
Lisp Speech TherapySpeech Delay ActivitiesCluster Reduction Speech TherapyArticulation Centers Speech TherapyFrontal Lisp Activities Speech TherapyKids Speech TherapyPlace Of ArticulationTeletherapy Resources For Speech-language TherapyArticulation Therapy ActivitiesSpeech Therapy for a Frontal LispIf your “soup” is turning into “thoop” and your “zippers” are “thippers”, you may have a frontal lisp. My article on fixing lateral lisps has received a lot of traffic and I’ve had many requests for a similar article on frontal lisps, so here goes! What Is a Frontal Lisp? Let’s start at the beginning. A frontal lisp, also known as an interdental lisp, occurs when a child says the /s/ and /z/ sounds with the tongue pushed too far forward. This causes /s/ and /z/ to sound more like “th”.56
Lateral Lisp Activities Speech TherapyFrontal Lisp Activities Speech TherapyLisp Speech TherapyLife Skills Speech Therapy ActivitiesSelf Contained Speech TherapyLateral Lisp Speech TherapySlp Language ActivitiesSlp WallpaperSlp Activities LanguageHow To Correct a Lisp in Speech TherapySpeech pathologists treating speech sound disorders will no doubt want some tips and ideas for correcting a lisp in speech therapy. Many different speech errors are addressed in articulation therapy, and correct production of s and z requires some skill and hard work to accomplish. While your coworkers and the internet may offer good advice,550
Speech GamesLove SpeechSpeech ArticulationSchool Speech TherapySpeech Language ActivitiesSlp ActivitiesSpeech DelayArticulation TherapyArticulation Activitiesspeech language therapyEliminate a lateral lisp (lateral-s; slushy-s).2
Lateral Lisp Activities Speech TherapyLisp Speech TherapyLateral Lisp Speech TherapyMyofunctional TherapySpeech Therapy ToolsSpeech ArticulationSchool Speech TherapySpeech Therapy GamesSpeech Language ActivitiesStraw Technique for Lateral Lisp - The Pedi SpeechieA Guide to Using the Straw Technique for Correcting a Lateral Lisp in Speech Therapy The straw technique can be an effective way to treat a lateral lisp in speech therapy. Many SLPs have probably heard about using a straw to treat a lateral lisp, but there are definitely some steps you can take to1.3k