Alexander TrufanovRobot IdeasSteampunk AnimalsMechanical AnimalsRobot AnimalArte RobotArte CyberpunkFantasy Creatures ArtRobot DesignCreatures pack 2, Alexander TrufanovFirst pack of creatures which i did for personal project.1.2k
Steampunk ArchitectureSteampunk AnimalsSteampunk AestheticSteampunk TendenciesArt SteampunkStyle SteampunkArte RobotColossal ArtSculpture MetalAntique Watches, Cameras, and Medical Equipment Morph Into Meticulous Steampunk SpidersFor 25 years, art director and artist Peter Szucsy has filled his days with rendering the bizarre, sinister beasts that run rampant through video games. “I have made many creatures, monsters in the virtual world… but a few years ago I felt it is about time to create something different,” he says of his timeContinue reading "Antique Watches, Cameras, and Medical Equipment Morph Into Meticulous Steampunk Spiders"16.4k
Robot Drawing IdeasShaun KeenanRobot DragonRobot DrawingMechanical AnimalsRobot AnimalArte RobotRobot DesignRobot ArtMarch of Robots 2016, Shaun Keenan"March of Robots" 2016, in which I did a robot drawing a day for the month of March.6
Steampunk Owl ArtMechanical Animals DrawingArtificer GadgetsOwl Concept ArtDnd SteampunkMechanical OwlMonsters DndMechanical BirdRobot BirdMechanical Owl, Alisen GantOwl design developed for my final project in my visual development course this fall. Adobe Photoshop was used to create this design.97
Large InsectsSteampunk KunstSteampunk AnimalsMechanical AnimalsRobot AnimalInsect TattooArte RobotPraying MantisSculpture Metalmantis - Victor FomenkoA 3d model and visualisation in 3dsmax/vray. Everyone loves robots!5.8k
Robert ChewAnti PoachingPoses MangaMechanical AnimalsRobot AnimalAfrican Wild DogRobot IllustrationArte RobotRobot ArtRobert Chew165
Mech DinosaurCyberpunk SchoolMechs Art5e MonstersMonster InspirationRobot Design SketchMecha DesignMechanical AnimalsRobot AnimalMech Dinosaur10
Robot BirdEagle HunterInteresting CreaturesMechanical AnimalsExhibition IdeasArt CyberpunkMetal IdeasRobot AnimalFuturistic Robotthe assassin's botlong ago before the Autobots, the Decepticons even the Predacon were born there these bot's known as Assassinbot's these bot's they are the galaxy protectors from the Templars until one of their own betrayed them causing the galaxy went to chaos for over one thousand years the Assassinbot's went instinct except for one!1.9k
Steel DefenderAlexander TrufanovMechanical MonsterRobot DinosaurMechanical AnimalsRobot AnimalArte RobotMonster Concept ArtDinosaur Artart_trufanov (@ArtTrufanov) on X“”878