Ceiling ShelvesBig Boy RoomBoys BedroomsDiy ShelvesKids' RoomMy New RoomThe RoomBoy's RoomBoy Roomnew shelves in Seth and Gabe's roomExplore GSheller's 4901 photos on Flickr!1.5k
Shelf Near Ceiling BedroomSingle Book Shelf On WallCeiling Bookshelf Wrap AroundShelves From CeilingHanging Glass ShelvesDoll ShelvesShelf Above WindowCeiling BookshelfHallway RemodelShelf Near Ceiling BedroomBook shelf above the window. Great for our tiny study! (Check the Bill Shelf at IKEA)23
Organizing Small HomeIkea BookcaseFurnitur Ruang KeluargaBookcase DiyStorage Furniture Living RoomBuilt In BookcaseBuilt In ShelvesLiving Room StorageStyle At HomeHome MakeoversLarge built-in shelves add character to this entryway. See the rest of this madeover home: http://www.bhg.com/home-improvement/remodeling/additions/family-friendly-home-makeover/?socsrc=bhgpin072012builtinshelveslivingroom#page=337k
Track ShelfTrain BedroomTrain RoomBudget Friendly DecorRoom CeilingRooms RevealToy RoomsBoy BedroomBig Boy RoomBigger Boy Room RevealHey there! I'm so excited to finally reveal my son's "bigger" boy room. I feel like it has been in the works for the past one meeellion years. But no, it hasn't. Maybe like the past one year. Or less. I don't know for sure but it's been a long time in the making and it sure feels good to have it done. See how to make his rustic, lighted headboard here. Anywho, I am calling it a bigger boy room because it isn't the typical so-called big boy room we're all familiar with. You know, the room…1.1k
Ceiling ShelvesLego DisplayThemed RoomsAction Figure DisplayLondon HomeFirefly SerenityLego RoomToy DisplayLego StorageMore is More: How to Display Your Most Treasured CollectionsFor those collecting maximalists among us—who can’t have just one globe, camera, or milk glass goblet, but seem to amass them by the dozen—here are some creative ways to organize and live with the things you love. All of these ideas keep your most cherished items in sight, incorporating them seamlessly into your decor. This is probably going to become your new favorite spot in your home.2.3k
Bedroom Storage ShelvesStorage Hacks BedroomSmall Space HacksCeiling ShelvesSmall Bedroom StorageBedroom HacksCreative BedroomSmall Room DesignShelves In Bedroom20 Space Saving Ideas and Organizing Projects to Maximize Your Small BedroomI’m blessed to have a bedroom that’s rather large but that wasn’t always the case. While I now have room for a couple of dressers and even a little reading area, I remember when I1.1k
Diy Bookshelf Wall Around WindowOpen Shelves LibraryOpen Concept BookshelvesWall Mounted LibraryBooks Shelves In Living RoomModern Home Library Ideas Bookshelf WallLiving Room Tv Wall With BookshelvesOpen Shelves For BooksFull Wall Floating Shelves LibraryHome Library Shelves in Our Living RoomDIY home library shelves that we built in our living room. This is such a cozy spot in our home to showcase our books.4.1k
Book Shelves Around Top Of RoomOverhead ShelvesRoom With BookshelvesCeiling ShelvesFloating BookshelfMounted ShelvesBook NookMy BooksBook ShelfThe Librarianologist | I've now completed the first phase of my overhead bookshelves throughout my cottage | FacebookI've now completed the first phase of my overhead bookshelves throughout my cottage. It's a tiny place on a loch in Scotland on the cusp of the Highlands...22
Ceiling ShelvesCreative BookshelvesMini LoftTiny House StorageCeiling StorageDvd StorageBookcase DesignDiy CeilingBookshelf DesignCeiling Shelves36
Book Storage IdeasIdeas For Small HomesFloor To Ceiling BookshelvesSmall AtticHome Library DesignAttic RemodelLoft RoomAttic RoomsBasement RemodelBook Storage Ideas4.3k