Toners (DIY)
27 Pins
I Swapped My Pricey Toner for a DIY Version—and My Skin Cleared Up
I Swapped My Pricey Toner for a DIY Version—and My Skin Cleared Up All you have to do is mix two tablespoons of ACV with about a fourth-cup (or more depending on how sensitive your skin is) of the Thayers. Et voilà! For storage, you'll want to keep the DIY toner in the fridge (to keep the ACV well and good) and preferably in a dark glass container of some sort.
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Reasons Why Apple Cider Vinegar Toner Is Getting More Popular In The Past Decade - Superloudmouth
Apple cider vinegar is a wonder tonic which has ample beauty benefits. This includes all the skin related issues such as acne, dark spots, sunburns, pigmentation, dry skin, oily skin and many more. #skincaretips #applecidervinegar #toners #diy