The Great Courses

Apartment One did a full-scale digital and print redesign that included packaging, catalogs, advertisements, and marketing e-mails for The Great Courses, a trusted source for multimedia educational courses led by world-class professors and experts in various subjects. We designed a new logo and visual identity that retained the core attributes from the brand’s legacy while creating a more sophisticated and contemporary look and feel.
13 Pins
The Great Courses - Apartment One
The Great Courses package design by Apartment One
The Great Courses - Apartment One
The Great Courses package design by Apartment One
The Great Courses - Apartment One
The Great Courses catalogue spread by Apartment One
The Great Courses - Apartment One
The Great Courses catalogue spread by Apartment One
The Great Courses - Apartment One
The Great Courses catalogues by Apartment One
The Great Courses - Apartment One
The Great Courses DVD design by Apartment One
The Great Courses - Apartment One
The Great Courses DVD package redesign by Apartment One
The Great Courses - Apartment One
The Great Courses business cards by Apartment One
The Great Courses - Apartment One
The Great Courses stationery by Apartment One
The Great Courses - Apartment One
The Great Courses logo redesign by Apartment One
The Great Courses - Apartment One
The Great Courses logo by Apartment One
The Great Courses - Apartment One
The Great Courses DVD package design by Apartment One