Lollipop CookiesChocolate Factory PartyCharlie Chocolate FactoryWonka Chocolate FactoryWonka PartyWilly Wonka PartyWonka ChocolateShopkins PartyChocolate SpoonsWilly Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Birthday Party Ideas | Photo 6 of 26Sarah E's Birthday / Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - Photo Gallery at Catch My Party556
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory CraftsViolet BeauregardeCandy ExperimentsBalloon CraftChocolate Fondue FountainChocolate Factory PartyCharlie Chocolate FactoryWonka Chocolate FactoryWilly Wonka PartyCharlie and the Chocolate Factory CelebrationI would have liked to have had this Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Celebration on February 1st, because that's when the golden ticket tells the kids to go to the factory. Buuuut Tuesdays are our late day and that's when I have all my big shindigs, so January 30th it was. First I adorned the January bulletin board with an Oompa Loompa, and then I got to planning. I wanted an activity to go with each of the characters that visited the factory. Pigskins & Pigtails had a fun idea for Veruca…500
Willy Wonka HalloweenMusic Theme PartyMaker Fun Factory VbsChocolate Factory PartyWillie WonkaCharlie Chocolate FactoryWonka Chocolate FactoryMaker Fun FactoryWonka PartyWilly Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Birthday Party Ideas | Photo 1 of 13Simone N's Birthday / Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - Photo Gallery at Catch My Party137
Willy Wonka Themed DinnerWilly Wonka Themed FoodWilly Wonka Party FoodWilly Wonka MovieWillie WonkaChocolate Factory PartyCharlie Chocolate FactoryWonka PartyWilly Wonka PartyWilly Wonka Party - It's Candy Time!W ith the passing of Gene Wilder recently, my husband and I decided to have a family movie night to watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factor...93
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Party FoodWonka Dinner PartyWilly Wonka Themed FoodWilly Wonka Food IdeasWonka Movie NightWonka Party FoodWillie Wonka PartyWonka Birthday Party IdeasCharlie And The Chocolate Factory PartyWilly Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Birthday Party Ideas | Photo 14 of 23Laura W's Birthday / Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - Photo Gallery at Catch My Party242
Willy WankaWilly Wonka HalloweenChocolate Factory PartyCharlie Chocolate FactoryWonka Chocolate FactoryWonka PartyWilly Wonka PartyMovie Night FoodWonka ChocolateCharlie and the Chocolate Factory Birthday Bash--A Wonkalicious PartyPrincess #4 turned 1 on her golden birthday last year. I was racking my brain on what to do for this important party. #1 is an important party in and of itself, but it being her golden birthday (which my older 3 kept bringing up and kept saying it had to be a really cool party because of that) I knew I had to deliver. Then it hit me--her name is Charlotte, and we sometimes call her Charlie. Why not a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Party to celebrate her Golden Birthday? I got right to…1.6k
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory PartyCharlie And The Chocolate Factory CraftsWonka WeekWonka ChristmasWilly Wonka HalloweenDecorative DessertsBook Club FoodWillie WonkaChocolate Factory PartyCharlie and the Chocolate Factory PartyHi bloggers, today I am reporting back on my first children's party that I helped a friend prepare for and I'm going to share with you all the different decorations and party ideas we used. As you can see in the picture above, Alfie played the part of Willy Wonka at his 6th birthday party and the table in the background is just a glimpse of the food and decor that went into this party! Let's start from the beginning with the design of the invitations..... Each of these tickets were an invite…409
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory PartyTheatre CakeWillie WonkaChocolate Factory PartyCharlie Chocolate FactoryWonka Chocolate FactoryWonka PartyMimi BirthdayCake CompetitionCharlie And The Chocolate Factory PartyWonka Party546
Willy Wonka Birthday InvitationsWilly Wonka Movie Night FoodCharlie And The Chocolate Factory Party FoodWilly Wonka Party FoodWonka Birthday Party IdeasWilly Wonka Chocolate FactoryWonka ChristmasWilly Wonka Birthday PartyWonka Birthday PartyWilly Wonka Birthday Party Ideas | Photo 7 of 30Kim G's Birthday / Willy Wonka - Photo Gallery at Catch My Party94
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Birthday PartyCharlie And The Chocolate Factory Party DecorationsCharlie And The Chocolate Factory Table DecorCharlie And Chocolate Factory PartyCharlie And The Chocolate Factory Party FoodCharlie And The Chocolate Factory Room TransformationCharlie And The Chocolate Factory ClassroomCharlie And The Chocolate Factory Classroom DisplayCharlie Chocolate Factory PartyCharlie And The Chocolate Factory Birthday Party383