3rd Grade Learning GamesPreschool Brain Break ActivitiesBrain Break Activities For AdultsBrain Breaks For 3rd GradeBehaviour Classroom IdeasTwo And A CrayonClassroom Discussion ActivitiesSecond Grade Learning GamesClass Brain BreaksTwo and a Crayon: The Hottest New Brain BreakTwo and a Crayon is sweeping classrooms by storm. With easy set up and high engagement, here's how the brain break works.1.2k
Classroom Buddies ActivitiesBuddy Activities For ElementaryBuddies Activities ElementaryLearning Buddies ActivitiesBuddy Activities ElementaryBuddy Class Activities ElementaryBuddy ActivitiesSteam LessonsReading BuddiesSTEM Challenges with Classroom BuddiesHave you ever considered starting a buddy program? I did and I loved it! Older students act as mentors to younger students and both groups g...42
Elementary Getting To Know You GamesFirst Grade Getting To Know You GamesGrade Level Buddy ActivitiesBuddy Activities PreschoolCross Age Buddy ActivitiesGet To Know You 2nd GradeGet To Know You Activities Upper ElementarySlp Get To Know You Activities2nd Grade Getting To Know You ActivitiesGetting to know me!! FREEBIETake a minute to pick up this cute Back to School ... Getting to Know Me game.1.7k
Buddy ActivitiesBuddy ReadingBook BuddiesReading BuddiesActivities KindergartenPrep ActivitiesTechnology TipsInquiry Based LearningSchool Daze20 Activities To Do With Reading Buddies or Big/Little Buddy Time20 Activities To Do With Reading Buddies or Big/Little Buddy Time. There are some low prep activities and some that require time or prepping but all of the activities provide a great learning experience for learning buddies.4.1k
Dpa Activities ClassroomBrain Break ActivitiesSchool Buddy ActivitiesThinking ClassroomEasy Fun Activities For KidsThinking Thursday Activities For KidsGames For 3rd GradersTeaching Ideas For ElementaryEasy Classroom GamesBest Brain Games to Play in the Classroom - Great for Warm-Ups and Brain BreaksThis collection of 15 brain games are perfect for kids in upper elementary and middle school classrooms. This games make kids think and plan in new and creative ways. Each game is low-prep and easy to implement. Check out this set of 15 kid-approved brain games perfect for the classroom!386
Buddy ActivitiesM ActivitiesSteam ClassroomElementary Stem ActivitiesEasy SMathematics ActivitiesReading BuddiesSteam ChallengesTeamwork SkillsEasy S.T.E.A.M. Activities to Try Right NowThis year, my Grade 4's are Big Buddies to a Grade 1/2 class. We try to meet every couple weeks, usually on Friday afternoons. We do the "traditional" Buddy meeting where we read to the "Littles" and vice versa, however, we are trying to mix it up with some S.T.E.M Challenges. If you are unfamiliar with the term, S.T.E.M stands for: S - Science T - Technology E - Engineering M - Mathematics More recently, the acronym has been changed to S.T.E.A.M. in which the "A" refers to art. Kids use a…5
Preschool FriendshipFriendship ThemeFriendship ActivitiesSocial Emotional ActivitiesSocial Skills ActivitiesSummer PreschoolPreschool ClassSkills ActivitiesPreschool LessonsPass the Ice Cream: Sharing Activity for PreschoolersHelp preschoolers learn about friendship and sharing with this fun activity inspired by Should I Share My Ice Cream? Perfect for a preschool class activity on friendship & sharing, a playdate, or even for siblings who are learning to share. So easy to set up and super fun!3
Elementary School Buddy ActivitiesReading Buddies IdeasKindergarten Buddies ActivitiesBuddies Activities ElementaryLearning Buddy ActivitiesBuddy Classroom ActivitiesLearning Buddies ActivitiesSchool Buddy ActivitiesReading Buddies ActivitiesComparing Sizes with Our Big BuddiesLast week we got together with our big buddies to share a StoryWalk and share a math activity. We met in the gym and the StoryWalk ...119
Small Group Ice BreakersGroup Ice BreakersClassroom Community ActivitiesCommunity ActivitiesSmall Group ActivitiesIce BreakersGroup ActivitiesTeaching Middle SchoolClass ActivitiesFind & Draw Scavenger Hunt for Buddies, Partner/Small Group, Ice Breaker, or ArtThis is a quick low prep activity for big buddy/little buddy time, for a partnership/small group activity, ice breaker or an art class. It will get students up out of their seats and interacting with each other. I have used this activity for a big buddy little buddy time. All of the students K-8 were engaged and having fun with their buddies and said it was a great activity. The scavenger hunt can be done inside or outside of the classroom. You can use it with all grade levels. Included…1
Beginning Middle End Activities 2nd GradeEnemy Pie Activities KindergartenEnemy Pie CraftEnemy Pie Activities FreeEnemy Pie ActivitiesPie ActivitiesBuddy ActivitiesEnemy PieSecond Grade WritingEnemy Pie Activities and ResourcesEnemy Pie by Derek Munson is one of my favorite read alouds to start the school year! Not only does this book provide teachable moments about friendship, but students relate to it and love the surprise ending. Here are some of my favorite activities and resources to pair with this book.8