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Geography ClassroomScience InfographicsWeather ScienceTeaching GeographyJet StreamPhysical GeographyPolar VortexGeography Lessons6th Grade SciencePolar Vortex: How the Jet Stream and Climate Change Bring on Cold Snaps - Inside Climate NewsSign up to receive our latest reporting on climate change, energy and environmental justice, sent directly to your inbox. Subscribe here. The jet stream—a powerful river of wind high in the atmosphere—shapes the Northern Hemisphere’s weather, including bitter cold snaps. Because it plays a key role in weather extremes, climate scientists are striving to understand […]1.5k
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Jet StreamWeather PatternsWhat Is The Jet Stream and How Is Climate Change Affecting It?Polar temperatures are changing more rapidly than equatorial ones, making the jet stream slower and wider, and extreme events longer-lasting.2
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Jet StreamTravel FranceVisit FranceUnder WaterParis CityFrance TravelWhere To GoGeographyA MonthGet ready for 10 more days of rain at least as forecasters blame shift in jet stream for terrible weather that has written off summer so farMany homes were left under water over the weekend and one driver died when his car left the road after a month’s worth of rain fell in just 24 hours in many parts of the country.10
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