Male DuckDuck PhotographyDuck PicturesDuck PhotoDuck BirdDuck ArtMallard DuckAirbrush ArtA DuckMallard Duck~MaleOn alert! A Turkey Vulture was flying high overhead~~ Member of the Flickr Bird Brigade Activists for birds and wildlife2.9k
Deciduous Forest AnimalsAnimal Facts InterestingDuck PhotographyDuck SpeciesAquatic BirdsDuck PicturesDuck PhotoHaunting PhotosDuck ArtMALLARD DUCK FACTSMale Mallard Duck603
Duck PicturesWaterfowl HuntingMallard DuckDuck HuntingPretty BirdsColorful BirdsMallardBird WatchingBeautiful CreaturesDuck PicturesBeautiful Duck3.6k
Male DuckBird IdentificationBirdyBeautiful BirdsBirdsPastaAnimalsQuick SavesMale DuckMottled Duck male18
Male DuckWhitetail Deer PicturesCanadian AnimalsAquatic BirdsDuck PicturesCanary BirdsDuck PhotoDeer PicturesDuck DecoysMale Duck461
Male DuckDuck SpeciesDuck BreedsDuck PhotoWild DuckAdorable CreaturesMallard DuckPictures Of The WeekDuck HuntingIntroducing NZ ducks — TEACHING RESOURCENew Zealand is home to a wide variety of water fowl. Water fowl is the common name for the Anatidae, the family of birds that includes ducks, geese and swans. Most of the Anatidae in New Zealand are endemic, but a few have become naturalised here and several have been deliberately introduced. Many of our native ducks became extinct even before Europeans arrived in New Zealand. There are currently nine species of native ducks in New Zealand, and several of these are endangered.94
Male Mallard DuckPnw AnimalsDuck SwimmingWild Birds PhotographySwimming TattooMallard DucksDuck DrawingCanadian GooseMallard DuckMallard duck (male)Male mallard duck swimming in pond19
Funny Hunting PicsMale DuckDuck PicturesDuck DrawingDuck PhotoHunting HumorBird CarvingWatercolor Paintings For BeginnersInteresting AnimalsDuckAt RHS Wisley412
Duck Hunting BlindsDuck FlyingWaterfowl TaxidermyDuck MountMale DuckRaising DucksDuck PicturesDuck PhotoWild DuckMale Mallard Duck Flying Over Water Stock Image - Image of animal, drip: 39609555Photo about a male mallard duck flying above the water. Image of animal, drip, wildlife - 396095551.1k
Duck PicturesThe Wild OneWood DuckWood DucksA DuckBird PicturesExotic BirdsWild OnePretty BirdsA Duck’s Point of ViewPhotographs of Wood Ducks, Hooded Mergansers, and other waterfowl taken from a low-angle viewpoint on Fawn Lake, located on Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula in the USA.8.9k