Pig ShelterPig FeederPig WatererHomesteading AnimalsPig BreedsPig FeedRaising PigsRaising Farm AnimalsGoat Care7 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Got PigsThere are many advantages to owning pigs. They grow fast, they're fairly easy to raise, and they're prolific breeders.318
4h PigsAgriculture InfographicAgriculture ScienceAgriculture FactsAg ClassroomTeach AgAgricultural EducationAg ScienceLivestock Judging4h PigsPig Terms40
Bark At The MoonOrganic LabelsPig PenPig HouseFactory FarmingMother Earth NewsPig FarmingHowl At The MoonPoultry FarmEditorial: Right-to-farm amendment is a waste of time. Vote no.We urge a no vote on Amendment 1 in August. At best it's unecessary. At worse it protects large corporations at the expense of consumers.497
Hereford PigsGloucestershire Old SpotsRaising PigsPig PenMini PigsPig FarmingBaby PigsBaby GoatsHobby FarmsHereford Pigs125
Pig Barn IdeasPig RearingPig FeederRaising PigsPig PenPig FarmRural LifestyleLivestock FarmingAnimal AgricultureTaking an Inside Look at Animal AgricultureI don't know why all of a sudden, but in the last week I have been alerted to a few articles, campaigns and TV shows that are raising questions about America's animal agriculture sector. It all started last week when Dairy Carrie alerted me about Panera Bread Company's new EZ Chicken campaign. This fear campaign sadly portrays farmers who use antibiotics as lazy. My Farmer puts in long, hard days 24/7/365 to ensure the best environment for our pigs. We conduct proper antibiotics use in our…44
Hog Pen IdeasPig FencingPig Pen IdeasElectric Fence For CattlePig EnclosurePig TractorPig FencePig ShelterPastured PigsHog Pen IdeasSimple pig tractor for mobile hog rearing. This eliminates the need for electric fencing and provides a sturdy enclosure for homestead hog rearing.2.7k
Pig RearingPig NamesRaising PigsHomestead SurvivalChickens BackyardPigsAnimalsPig Names: Basic Terminology You Should KnowThere is a lot of lingo associated with pigs and their rearing. Learn the most needed terms here.7
Pig ShelterPig FeederPastured PigsPig WatererKune Kune PigsHog FarmPig BreedsPig FeedRaising PigsFeeding Pigs: How Much Do They Need?Ready to get some feeder pigs? Whether you're looking to be more self sufficient or just want some great tasting meat for the freezer, pigs…926
Pig RearingIntegumentary SystemSoft BeddingPigsDiseaseNutritionAnimalsExudative Epidermitis in Pigs - Integumentary System - Merck Veterinary ManualNutritional Requirements of Pigs - Management and Nutrition - Merck Veterinary Manual4
Hampshire PigPig ShelterPig BreedsCommercial FarmingPig FeedFunny Horse VideosRaising PigsBlack PigConservation BiologyBacon Pig Breeds: 10 Best Pig Breeds For Bacon | Savvy Farm LifeBest Pig Breeds For Bacon One of the most popular foods in America, bacon can be used to improve almost any dish - from vegetables…1