Robot ZombieConcept Art LandscapeCreature CharacterArte ZombieMonster HorrorSteampunk RobotAkali League Of LegendsFantasy CreatureArte RobotZomBot, David MetzgerOne of my colleagues asked me to do a zombie robot.. How could I refuse?7.6k
Robot FactoryCall Of Duty Black Ops IiiBlack Ops IiiCall Of Duty ZombiesFallout ArtCall Of Duty BlackGiant RobotsRobots ConceptRed DragonRobot Factory30
Cyberpunk RedDark HeresyArte ZombieCyberpunk RpgScifi ArtCyborgs ArtEvangelion ArtArte AlienArte RobotCyborg Run, Goran BukvicArtStation is the leading showcase platform for games, film, media & entertainment artists.3.2k
Arte PeculiarArte RobotCyberpunk CharacterRobot ArtRobots ConceptRobot Concept ArtCreature Concept ArtCyberpunk ArtArte FantasyArte PeculiarHeadBot1.1k
Robot ConceptNew Retro WaveArte RobotArte CyberpunkCyberpunk CharacterThe RobotA RobotScience Fiction ArtRobot DesignJunkyard mech, Guillaume MenuelPersonnal work FB page : Print Store :
Zombie Illustration CuteRobot ZombieCreature BoxCartoon FlashZombie IllustrationHp TattooComplex ArtCharacter Design IllustrationGraffiti PicturesZombie-droid, Andrey PridybayloMarch Of Robots 2017 - No.4419
Mech DesignAccel WorldArte PeculiarMech SuitGraphisches DesignCool RobotsArte RobotCyberpunk CharacterPost ApocalypseMech mech post apocalypse, Taeun RyuAge of mankind has been threatened by the robot insurgency. After a few decades, central AI goes out of function due to lacking human handling on its maintenance, and people come out from their hidings to take over the power vacuum. Those who were in bunkers, raider brigands and military remnants. They now vie for the control over the now defunct AI node so they will be the new master of this world. Been sketching and exploring for couple of months. Let's see where this goes.2.1k