Genre Of LiteratureWomen Of LiteratureHow To Study LiteratureErgodic LiteratureLiterature MeaningEnglish Literature Student AestheticGenres Of LiteratureLiterature DefinitionTypes Of LiteratureGenre Of LiteratureGenres of Literature #englishliterature #genre #literature174
Literary MovementsLiterature Study GuidesEnglish Literature NotesAp LiteratureTeaching High School EnglishTeaching LiteratureBritish LiteratureHistory TimelineEnglish ClassroomTimeline of literary periods and movements (infographic)Timeline of literary periods and movements - infographic - "A Timeline of Literary Periods and Movements" was developed by a team from The Literature Network, an online community of literature lovers366
Teaching Literature High SchoolLit CirclesLiterature ProjectHigh School LiteratureArts ClassroomLiterature LessonsLiterature ActivitiesTeaching High School EnglishTeaching LiteratureTeaching Literature High School2
Why Should I StudyStudying English LiteratureEnglish Literature DegreeEnglish Literature QuotesStudy LiteratureHistory Of English LiteratureEnglish Literature NotesLiterature ProjectLiterature StudyWhy Study English Literature?Are you shilly-shallying to studying English literature? Constantly fluctuating between your fondness for literature and the thought of how would it help you in the future? How could it pave the way for your successful career? Stop bothering anymore! This article will give you the answer to all questions regarding: Why should I study English literature? Read more736
Literary Terms Middle SchoolSetting In LiteratureLiterary Terms LiteratureLiterary Terms DefinitionsLiterary Elements Middle SchoolLiterary Devices ChartLanguage Techniques EnglishLiterature DevicesAnalyzing LiteratureLiterary Devices: Free Handout and Link to New PublicationOver the years, my students have come to sessions seeking help with literary devices. They have expressed confusion over the terms: literary devices, literary terms, literary elements and figurative language, and they also struggle with the many definitions. What are Literary Devices, Literary Terms, Literary Elements and Figurative Language? Literary Devices are creative writing strategies used by an author to convey his or her message(s). When used well, literary devices help readers to…2k
Literature AnalysisEnglish Literature NotesReading CenterLiterature LessonsAp LiteratureTeaching LiteratureLiterary AnalysisHigh School ElaTeaching ElaThe SIFT Method for Literature AnalysisI've written about Teaching Channel before, and I'll be writing from time to time about a particular great idea I've found there. If you haven't already joined, remember that it's FREE, and signing up takes less than a minute! One of the many great Tch video clips shows middle school teacher Meagan Berkowitz teaching a poetry lesson using the SIFT Method - Symbol, Imagery, Figurative Language, and Tone or Theme. It's less than 5 minutes long, and well worth watching to see her interaction…2.5k
Writing InfographicAnalysis WritingTeaching Literary AnalysisRhetorical Analysis EssayLiterary Analysis EssayLiterary EssayRhetorical AnalysisAp LiteratureAnalysis EssayHow to Teach the Writing of Literary Analysis – Erika RomeroIn this post, I break down how I approach teaching literary analysis writing to my students in an introductory children's literature course.639
Anglo American LiteratureHaruki Murakami QuotesTeaching American LiteratureVisual SummaryMurakami HarukiAp LiteratureTeaching High School EnglishTeaching LiteratureSecondary EnglishAmerican Literature TimelineLinks to source precede. Link to “Literary Periods and History Timeline” Link to “American Literature through Time” Link to Story Board That–American Li…159
Literally DevicesWriters Effect IgcseLiterary Exhibition IdeasLiterary Devices ChartLiterature DevicesLiterature VocabularyLanguage DevicesPoetic RizzLiterary Devices PostersFree Writer’s Workshop Wednesday: Literary DevicesWe are back with another Writer’s Workshop! This will be the last installment until December as I’m going to take a break for NaNoWriMo, but I thought we dive into some pretty deep writ…305
Literature RecommendationsSophomore EnglishJunior EnglishTeaching Informational TextTeaching American LiteratureSkills For StudentsHuck FinnAp LiteratureTeaching LanguageThe Intersection of Literature and Historical Context / Moore EnglishAnalyzing historical and cultural context can be challenging for students. However, these are essential skills for students to master in Common Core ELA. As a secondary English teacher, you're likely not a social studies expert (I'm not). So these are steps and strategies anyone can use in the classroom to help students synthesize historical context and cultural context as it relates to literature.175