Steampunk Decor IdeasDiy Movie Theater RoomDiy Movie TheaterWhipstaff ManorMovie Theater RoomCasper 1995Bill PullmanPretty HousesMovie DecorSteampunk Decor IdeasWhipstaff Manor! I wanted this house so badly growing up! Casper<3520
Whipstaff ManorStructures ArchitectureAntoni Gaudí I CornetGaudi ArchitectureFalling WatersGaudi BarcelonaAntonio GaudíCasa BatllóArchitecture ModernThe Gaudi Cheesecake FactoryI was stuck doing handheld shots all over this awesome Gaudi house because the PR staff would not let me use a tripod. They also said I was not allowed to post any photos of the house on my blog. I told them this was absolutely ridiculous and of course I would post photos on the blog. They said it was not ridiculous and I should really listen. I then said, "But everyone else is here taking photos and posting on Facebook and Flickr!, right?" And they said, "Oh, well, they shouldn't be doing…1k
Casper FilmWhipstaff ManorCasper MovieCasper 1995Casper GhostHalloween ClubCasper The Friendly GhostUniversal Studios HollywoodFriendly GhostCasper FilmThe Harvey Mansion from the movie Casper (1995.) I always thought the floor swirl pattern was so awesome.21
Casper FilmWhipstaff ManorCasper MovieCasper 1995Not Another Teen MovieBest Halloween MoviesGiant AnimalsMovie LocationsSpooky MoviesCasper FilmWhipstaff manor from "Casper. " Based on the architecture of Antoni Gaudi.67
Casper HouseWhipstaff ManorCasper 1995Witch LifePool House DesignsCreepy HousesPumpkin HouseFamous HousesUnusual BuildingsCasper HouseWhipstaff Manor, home to Casper... beautiful Art Nouveau design!103
Whipstaff ManorCasper 1995Cathy MoriartyPaper Bag Flooring1990s NostalgiaMansion DesignsAmerican ComedyCasper The Friendly GhostAdventure FilmWhipstaff ManorInterior shot of Whipstaff manor from "Casper"47
Casper HouseWhipstaff ManorHaunted House PicturesHouse MovieGothic MansionGhost MoviesOld ManorCasper The Friendly GhostFriendly GhostCasper HouseWhipstaff Manor-Casper's House15
Casper HouseWhipstaff ManorCasper 1995Mansion DesignsAmerican ComedyCasa BatllóCasper The Friendly GhostAdventure FilmCob HouseCasper HouseGaudì house - Whipstaff Manor set Casper 199519
Steampunk Decor IdeasCasper FilmWhipstaff ManorAesthetic ClownCasper 1995Dark NurserySteampunk HouseCasper The Friendly GhostSteampunk DecorSteampunk Decor Ideas334
Casper The Friendly Ghost MovieCasper FilmWhipstaff ManorManor ExteriorCasper 1995Ghost MovieAesthetic FilmMovie LocationsCasa BatllóGaudí’s Whipstaff ManorIt’s been a while since I’ve watched the movie, Casper and while I was recently watching it, I gained a newfound appreciation for the movie. It struck me that Whipstaff Manor, the home …64