INSTANT DOWNLOAD! You will receive: 1 PNG file 1 SVG file Images are individually seperated and saved, 300 DPI without watermarks. Download your images after payment is confirmed, by going to etsy purchases. You May ✅ Use 247blanktumblers images in both digital and printed format. ✅ Use 247blanktumblers images for both personal and commerical projects. Up to 50 units commercially. ✅ Re-size and add other elements as needed. YOU MAY NOT ❌Claim 247blanktumblers images as your own, with or without alterations. Alterations include anything that is added to or changed like words. ❌Create new clipart sets, including digital paper, etc. ❌Re-sell the image in a set or individually. ❌Share or distribute the art with others, or in facebook groups, as a freebie, etc. ⚠️DISCLAIMER⚠️ Due to the digital nature of my products, we DO NOT OFFER REFUNDS once downloaded. © Copyright of and for 24-7blanktumblers. No part of any content, description or art, images, clipart, graphics, downloads, digital graphics, paid graphics may be reproduced or sold in any form.