Title: Lily Pendant Necklace Story: Elevate your style with our captivating Lily Pendant, a true masterpiece inspired by the beauty of nature. Created through the intricate process of 3D printing, this pendant showcases the delicate and graceful form of a lily flower in stunning detail. Crafted with love and attention to detail, this nature-inspired jewelry piece is perfect for those who appreciate the elegance and charm of the natural world. Material: Solid 14k Yellow Gold, Solid 14k Rose Gold, Solid 14k White, Solid 925 Silver, Vermeil (3 Micron 14k Gold Plating over Silver), and 14k Gold Plate over Brass. Timeline: Ships right away! Size: 15mm in diameter. Choose from adjustable 16-18" or a custom length. Click the personalization button to enter your desired chain length. Message me if you have any questions. The chain can be anywhere from 14-20 inches. Lengths beyond 20 inches are available and may require an additional fee. Special Options: Choose a chain from my shop to exchange for the cable chain. Message me for a special discount. Packaging: All items are nicely packaged and ready to gift in lovely jewelry boxes. The jewelry boxes are reusable and recyclable Background: Amelia Ray is a Texas-based jewelry designer who creates unique, nature-inspired pieces using 3D printers. With a commitment to sustainability, Amelia prioritizes ethical sourcing of diamonds and gemstones. She is dedicated to minimizing environmental impact by utilizing non-plastic packaging and employing sustainable methods throughout her jewelry-making process. As a one-woman show, Amelia welcomes inquiries and custom requests, ensuring personalized attention to bring your dream piece to life. Feel free to reach out with any questions or design ideas.