Armin Hofmann16 TattooAbstract Logo로고 디자인Graphic Design PostersVisual DesignGeometric ArtAbstract ShapesVisual ArtistDimitris Ladopoulos - Art Director / Visual Artist in CA, USAArt Director / Visual Artist247
Armin Hofmann DesignArmin Hofmann PostersSwiss Style Graphic Design PostersArmin HoffmanSwiss Design PosterEvent Poster Design InspirationArmin HofmannInternational Typographic StyleDesigner Posterbrandon stacey - Armin Hofmann posterFamous designer poster679
Armin HofmannMusic Poster Ideas타이포그래피 포스터 디자인Music Poster DesignSwiss DesignPoster LayoutMusic DesignDesign GraphiqueHistory DesignArmin HofmannArmin Hofmann – Swiss graphic designer (1920). Armin Hofmann is recognized for his immeasurable influence on generations of designers, teaching the power and elegance of simplicity and clarit…231
Artist Research PageArmin HofmannInternational Typographic StyleFrida Kahlo PaintingsPoster AdvertisingSwiss StyleGoddess ArtworkSwiss DesignTypographic PosterArmin Hofmann Poster DesignThis project was to design a poster advertising and describing a famous typographer.223
Armin HofmannInternational Typographic StyleSwiss StyleMilton GlaserSwiss DesignTypographic PosterInternational StyleKenoTypographic DesignLessons From Swiss Style Graphic Design — Smashing MagazineAlso known as International Style, the **Swiss Style** does not simply describe a style of graphic design made in Switzerland. It became famous through the art of very talented Swiss graphic designers, but it emerged in Russia, Germany and Netherlands in the 1920’s. This style in art, architecture and culture became an ‘international’ style after 1950’s and it was produced by artists all around the globe. Despite that, people still refer to it as the Swiss Style or the Swiss Legacy.144
Basel CityArmin HofmannInternational Typographic StyleSwiss StyleIconic PosterSwiss DesignDesign FieldsDesign MovementsBaselVintage poster – Stadttheater Basel, saison 60-61Armin HOFMANN (1960) – Original vintage poster – This poster is one of the most remarkable works of Hofmann that granted the Swiss Poster Award in 1960.The layout of this illustration reflects Hoffmann’s strong sense of structure and space creating a simple and sophisticated black and white contrast. The setting of this theatrical poster captivates and triggers the viewer's senses and ability of watching and listening an image with his eyes.4
Armin HofmannInternational Typographic StyleTypography ImagesDesign LayoutsSwiss DesignTypography Poster DesignTypography InspirationDesign GraphiqueBaselArmin Hofmann. R. Adams, Skulptur, 7 Junge Englische Maler. c. 1950-63 | MoMAArmin Hofmann. R. Adams, Skulptur, 7 Junge Englische Maler. c. 1950-63. Lithograph. 50 1/4 x 35 1/2" (127.6 x 90.1 cm). Gift of the artist. 387.1963. Architecture & Design183
Armin HofmannInternational Typographic StyleSwiss StyleMax BillWalter GropiusSwiss DesignTheatre PosterDesign MovementsWassily KandinskyArmin Hofmann. Stadt Theater Basel 63/64. 1963 | MoMAArmin Hofmann. Stadt Theater Basel 63/64. 1963. Offset lithograph. 50 1/4 x 35 1/2" (127.6 x 90.1 cm). Gift of the artist. 384.1963. Architecture & Design34
Swiss GridBasel CityArmin HofmannInternational Typographic StyleBallet PostersIconic PosterSwiss StyleHistory PostersDigital MuseumArmin Hofmann: 1920–2020 | Poster HouseArmin Hofmann: 1920–2020 | Poster House142
Armin HofmannInternational Typographic StyleNeville BrodySwiss StyleSwiss DesignDesign MovementsGraphic Design LayoutsElements Of Design10 famous graphic designers you should be able to name-dropHere are ten of the most famous graphic designers around in one handy guide — get to know them and their work, it's a prerequisite of working in design.40