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wlad's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 5 months
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16 votes

Famous examples of "serendipity" in 20th century mathematics

14 votes

Is it possible to constructively prove that every quaternion has a square root?

9 votes

How would you have answered Richard Feynman's challenge?

9 votes

"Natural" undecidable problems not reducible to the halting problem

7 votes

Resources on screw theory in classical mechanics

6 votes

Is it possible to constructively prove that every quaternion has a square root?

6 votes

Theorems with many distinct proofs

5 votes

What's "geometric algebra"?

4 votes

Golden ratio in contemporary mathematics

3 votes

Does there exist a polar decomposition of matrices over finite fields?

3 votes

Principled construction of the quaternions

3 votes

3D similarities and quaternions?

3 votes

What fields can be used for an inner product space?

3 votes

What is the strength of “if $c≥0$ then $[0,c] = c·[0,1]$” in constructive math (w.r.t., LPO, WLPO, LLPO, etc.)?

2 votes

What structure is preserved by pseudo-homeomorphisms of pseudo-Euclidean spaces?

2 votes

Why do infinite-dimensional vector spaces usually have additional structure?

2 votes

Every square complex matrix is similar to a TRIDIAGONAL complex-symmetric matrix?

2 votes

Axiomatizing projective Hilbert spaces

2 votes

Does Wilkinson's shift need to be discontinuous?

2 votes

Representing split-complex numbers as intervals and related compactification

2 votes

Example of nice isomorphism between Cl$_{p,q}(\mathbb R)$ and matrix algebras over $\mathbb R,\mathbb C,\mathbb H,\mathbb R^2,\mathbb C^2,\mathbb H^2$

1 vote

Most helpful math resources on the web

1 vote

Algorithm for economically sampling method for Gaussian matrix product

1 vote

How to compute an indefinite generalisation of QR decomposition

1 vote

If the direct sum of $L$ and $M$ has a pseudoinverse, then do $L$ and $M$ have pseudoinverses?

1 vote

Does the generalised directional derivative satisfy any version of the chain rule?

1 vote

Do infinitely nested radicals have any applications?

1 vote

Spectral properties of the LDL^T matrix factorization

1 vote

Axiomatizing projective Hilbert spaces

1 vote

Polar decomposition with respect to the nonstandard involution of quaternionic matrices?