Memory Alpha

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Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Riaan, an Akaali apothecary

An apothecary or druggist was an individual who formulated and dispensed medicine to physicians, surgeons, and patients. They also dispensed general medical advice and performed other jobs later done by specialists, such as midwifery and surgery.

Riaan, the Akaali that made unofficial first contact with the crew of Enterprise NX-01, was a trained apothecary who was also deemed a scientist. (ENT: "Civilization")

Apothecaries were common in Earth's Ancient West era. As such, one was present in a Melkotian recreation of Tombstone. On an isolated Skagaran colony where Humans had not changed much culturally, an apothecary operated as late as 2153. (TOS: "Spectre of the Gun"; ENT: "North Star")

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