The circulatory system, or blood circulation, was the organ system that circulated circulatory fluid, typically blood, through the body. The flow of blood through this system was known as the bloodstream.
The circulatory system of Jem'Hadar soldiers began to shut down without ketracel-white. (DS9: "The Abandoned", "Hippocratic Oath", "To the Death")
The Breen had no liquid circulatory system. (DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow")
A Borg drone's cardiopulmonary system was reinforced. (VOY: "The Haunting of Deck Twelve")
In 2367, after brainwashing by the Romulans, Geordi La Forge suffered from insomnia which was caused by a minor vascular irregularity in the visual cortex, a slight dilation of the blood vessels. (TNG: "The Mind's Eye")
In 2370, in the "Anatomical Scan – 9861" for Juliana Tainer, the blood circulation was listed under heart and blood supply in the coronal plane portion of the graphic. For her blood circulation, it was noted that it was 27% above normal. (TNG: "Inheritance")
In 2374, a USS Voyager crewmember died when her circulatory system collapsed as a result of Srivani experiments. (VOY: "Scientific Method")