Memory Alpha

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Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)
Enterprise painting at the National Air and Space Museum

Painting of the USS Enterprise at the National Air and Space Museum

Numerous exhibitions dedicated to various aspects of the Star Trek-universe and phenomenon have been created since the franchise first began. Such exhibitions feature (passive) displays of rarely-seen props and behind-the-scenes information stemming from the live-action franchise, over time increasingly incorporating interactive components.

The very first, specialized, official (as in organized by professional parties) Star Trek-exhibit, has, outside the "unofficial" science-fiction/Star Trek convention circuit, been the 1992-1994 Star Trek Smithsonian Exhibit. While supported by it, it should be noted that this exhibit was neither produced nor organized by the official franchise, but a purely Smithsonian initiative. It was only after the resounding success of that exhibit that the franchise took over firm control of exhibitions, starting with the 1993 Star Trek Earth Tour.

List of exhibitions[]

See also[]
