Ilirekebishwa mwisho: 24/10/2022 (tazama toleo la awali)

Kituo cha Wafanyabiashara cha Google Masharti ya Utumiaji

Sheria na Masharti haya ya Kituo cha Wafanyabiasha cha Google (“Masharti”) yameingiwa na Google Ireland Limited (“Google”) na chombo kinachotekeleza Masharti haya au inayokubali Masharti haya kielektroniki (“Mfanyabiashara”). Masharti haya yanasimamia matumizi ya Kituo cha Wafanyabiashara cha Google, kwa upande wa Wafanyabiashara ikijumuisha huduma, vipengele mahususi na utendakazi unaohusiana (“Huduma”) (i) ambazo zinaweza kufikiwa kupitia akaunti anazopewa Mfanyabiashara kuhusiana na Masharti haya (“Akaunti”) au (ii) zinazojumuisha Masharti haya kwa marejeo (kwa pamoja, “GMC”).

  1. Kutumia GMC. Mfanyabiashara anaweza kuwasilisha taarifa (data), milisho au maudhui mengine (“Maudhui”) kwa GMC kwa kutumia njia mbalimbali, ikiwa ni pamoja na kupitia API za Google. Mfanyabiashara anakubali kuwasilisha Maudhui kwa namna ambayo inafuata maelekeozo au vigezo vyovyote vilivyotolewa na Google kwa Mfanyabiashara. Google inaweza kutoa utendakazi ambao unaruhusu Mfanyabiashara kutoa nje, kuunganisha au kuhamisha Maudhui kutoka GMC kwenda, au vinginevyo kutumia Maudhui kutoka GMC na, huduma nyingine za Google. Katika mazingira hayo, vigezo na masharti ya huduma hiyo nyingine ya Google vitatumika kulingana na Utumiaji wa huduma hiyo kwa Mfanyabiashara, endapo tu matumizi ya GMC kwa upande wa mfanyabiashara yataendelea kusimamiwa na Masharti haya. Ikiwa Muuzaji atachagua kutumia Huduma fulani za hiari za GMC, basi Mfanyabiashara anaweza kutakiwa kukubali Masharti tofauti ambayo ni mahususi kwa Huduma hizo. Baadhi ya Huduma za GMC zinatambuliwa kama “Beta” au vinginenvyo kama hazijaunganishwa au ni za siri (“Vipengele muhimu vya Beta”). Mfanyabiashara hatakiwi kuweka wazi taarifa zozote kutoka au kuhusu Vipengele muhimu vya Beta au Masharti au kuwepo kwa Vipengele vyovyote vya Beta vya siri. Google au Washirika wake wanaweza kusimamisha, kurekebisha au kusitisha Huduma, ikiwa ni pamoja na Vipengele vya Beta, wakati wowote. Kwa madhumuni ya Masharti haya, "Mshirika" inamaanisha taasisi yoyote ambayo moja kwa moja au kwa namna isiyo ya moja kwa moja inasimamia, inasimamiwa na, au ipo chini ya Google kila baada ya muda
  2. Akaunti. Utumiaji wa GMC kwa Mfanyabiashara unapaswa kutengenezwa na kuidhinishwa na Google kwa Akaunti moja au Zaidi. Ili kuthibitisha Akaunti, na kila baaada ya wakati Fulani ikihusianisha na matumizi ya GMC kwa upande wa Mfanyabishara, Google inaweza kuhitaji taarifa za ziada, ikiwa ni pamoja na jina la kisheria la taasisi, namba ya simu, anwani na taarifa nyingine zinazofanana na hizi. Mfanyabiashara anawajibika kwa matumizi yake ya GMC, ikiwa ni pamoja na kuingia na kutumia Akaunti, Maudhui yanayowasisilishwa kwa GMC kupitia  Akaunti na ulinzi wa majina ya watumiaji wa Akaunti na maneno ya siri (nywila).
  3. Sera.
    1. Utumiaji wa GMC kwa mfanyabiashara utategeema (i) Sheria zinazotumika za Google zinazopatikana na sera nyingine zozote ambazo zimetolewa na Google kwa Wafanyabiashara, ambazo zinaweza kurekebishwa na Google kila baada ya muda (kwa pamoja, “Sera”), (ii) Masharti haya na (iii) Mfanyabiashara kufuata sheria zinazohusika (inayohusika)
    2. Kuhusiana na GMC, (i) Google itaheshimu Sera ya Faragha ya Google inayopatikana kwenye kama ilivyorekebishwa kila baada ya muda fulani) na (ii) kwa kadiri inavyoruhusiwa, Google na Mtumiaji wanakubali Mdhibiti wa Google. - Masharti ya Ulinzi wa Taarifa kwa Mdhibiti kwenye ("Masharti ya Ulinzi wa Taarifa"). Google haitarekebisha Sheria na Masharti ya Ulinzi wa Taarifa, isipokuwa kama inavyoruhusiwa dhahiri chini ya Masharti ya Ulinzi wa Taarifa.
  4. Maudhui ya Mfanyabiashara.
    1. Mfànyabiashara anaidhinisha kwa google leseni isiyoweza kubatilishwa, ya dunia nzima, isiyokuwa na mrabaha ya kutumia Maudhui (kwa kiasi kinacholindwa na haki miliki) kuhusiana na bidhaa na huduma za Google au washirika wake kwa pamoja kwa kipindi chote cha Haki Miliki chini ya sheria zilizopo. Mfanyabiashara anakubali kwamba Google au Washirika wake wanaweza kutoa haki hizi kwa Washirika wake na wakandarasi wanaotoa huduma kwa niaba ya Google au Washirika wake na kwa watumiaji wa Google au Washirika wake ili waweze kutumia Maudhui haya kwa kushirikiana katika kutumia bidhaa na huduma za Google au Washirika wake.
    2. Ikiwa Maudhui yaliyowasilishwa na Mtumiaji yana URL au maudhui sawa na hayo, Mtumiaji anaipa Google ridhaa ya, kufikia, faharasa, kuhifadhi au kutembelea URL(s) na maudhui yanayopatikana kupitia URL kama hizo ("Mahali"). Kwa mfano, Google inaweza kutumia programu ya kujiendesha (kiautomatiki) kupata na kuchanganua tovuti zinazohusiana na URL hizo. Mtumiaji anaridhia kwamba maudhui yoyote yanayokusanywa na Google au Washirika wake kutoka Mifumo (mahali) yatachukuliwa kuwa ni Maudhui na yatashughulikiwa kwa mujibu wa Masharti haya.
    3. Kwa kutumia GMC, Mtumiaji anaidhinisha Google kutumia chapa za kibiashara, alama za huduma, majina ya kibiashara, nembo za wamiliki, majina ya vikoa na vyanzo vingine vyovyote, au vitambulishi vingine vya biashara vinavyohusiana na matumizi yaliyoidhinishwa na Google kwa ajili ya utumiaji wa Maudhui.
  5. Majaribio. Mfanyabiashara anairuhusu Google na Washirika wake (a) kufanya majaribio kila baada ya muda fulani yanayoweza kumuathiri Mfanyabiashara katika utumiaji wa Huduma (ikiwemo zinazohusiana na Mahali, ubora, nafasi, utendakazi, uumbaji au marekebisho mengine) bila taarifa kwa Mfanyabiashara, na (b) urejeshaji kiotomatiki na upembuzi wa, na uundaji vitambuzi vya majaribio kwa ajili ya ufikiwaji, Mahali.
  6. Dhamana.
    1. Kila upande unatoa dhamana kwamba una uwezo na mamlaka kuingia katika Makubaliano/Masharti haya.
    2. Mfanyabiashara anawasilisha na kuthibitisha kwamba:
      1. Haitasema na itaendeleza,haki ya kuiruhusu leseni na ruhusa zingine kama zilivyobainishwa katika kifungu cha 4
      2. Hautatoa Maudhui yoyote ambayo yanakiuka Sera, sheria husika au sera zozote husika za faragha, au yanavunja sheria za haki miliki za watu wengine,
      3. una haki na ridhaa zote za msingi zinazohitajika na kuzitoa kwa Google, taarifa zozote zilizokusanywa kutoka au kuhusu mtu binafsi ambazo zipo chini ya ulinzi chini ya sheria zinazohusu faragha ya taarifa au sheria zinazohusika na ulinzi wa taarifa au sheria na
      4. Taarifa na idhini iliyotolewa na Mfanyabiashara (ikiwa ni pamoja na kutoa taarifa kuhusu bidhaa unaohusiana kuonesha matoleo ya Wauzaji) na yataendelea kuwa timilifu, sahihi na yanayoendana na wakati
    3. Dhamana pekee za wahusika chini ya Sheria na Masharti haya zimewekwa bayana katika Kifungu hiki cha 6 (Dhamana). Kwa mujibu wa Kifungu cha 7(b) (Upekee), wahusika wanakubali kuachia/kukana masharti yote, dhima na masharti mengine ambayo hayajabainishwa katika Masharti haya (ikiwa ni pamoja na dhamana zozote ambazo zimemaanishwa kama za uuzikaji wa bidhaa au kufaa kwa madhumuni mahususi).
  7. Kikomo cha Dhima.  Katika kipindele hiki cha 7 (Ukomo wa Dhima), “Dhima” inamaanisha dhima yoyote, iwe chini ya mkataba,uvunjifu wa sheria (ikiwa ni pmoja na uzembe), au vinginevyo, na iwe kwa kutarajiwa au kwa kutotarajiwa au iwe imetafakariwa na pande zote.
    1. Dhima. Kwa kiasi kinachoruhusiwa na sheria zinazohusika na ambacho chini ya Kipengele 7(b) (Upekee katika Dhima)
      1. Hakuna upande utakaokuwa na Dhima itakayotokana na au kuhusiana na Masharti haya kwa mapato yoyote yatakayopotea au faida (iwe kwa namna ya moja kwa moja au isiyokuwa ya moja kwa moja); au hasara mahususi, isiyokuwa ya moja kwa moja, ya bahati mbaya au itokanayo (iwe yenye kutarajiwa au kutotarajiwa au iliyatafakariwa na pande zote katika Tarehe ya Kufaa); na
      2. Dhima ya kila upande inayotokana na au kuhusiana na Masharti haya haitazidi £25,000.
    2. Upekee kwenye Ukomo. Hakuna jambo lolote katika Masharti haya ambalo linaweka kando au kuweka ukomo
      1. Kifo au majeruhi yanayotokana na uzembe wake au uzembe wa wafanyakazi wake  au mawakala;
      2. Ulaghai au uwasilishaji wa kilaghai;
      3. Wajibu wake chini ya Kipengele cha 8 (Fidia); au
      4. Masuala ambayo Dhima haiwezi kuondolewa au haina ukomo chini ya sheria husika
  8. Malipo ya Fidia. Kwa kiasi kinachoruhusiwa na sheria inayotumika, Mfanyabiashara ataitetea na kuifidia Google, Washirika wake, mawakala na watoa leseni dhidi ya dhima, uharibifu, hasara, gharama, ada (ikijumuisha na gharama za kisheria) na gharama zinazohusiana na mwenendo wowote wa kisheria kwa pande/wahusika wengine kwa kiasi kinachotokana na au kinachohusiana na Maudhui ya Wafanyabiashara, Maeneo, matumizi ya GMC, Huduma zinazohusiana au ukiukwaji wowote wa Sheria na Masharti haya kutoka upande wa Mfanyabiashara.
  9. Usitishwaji. Google inahifadhi haki ya kudhibiti, kusimamisha au kusitiha (kwa ujumla au kwa sehemu) uwezo wa Mfanyabiashara (mtumiaji) kuzifikia, au kutumia GMC, Huduma au Akaunti mara tu baada ya kutolewa kwa taarifa ya maandishi (au kwa notisi ya angalau siku 30 kama itakuwa ni kwa mujibu wa matakwa ya kisheria ya sharia zinazohusika) kama: (a) Mfanyabiashara atavunja Masharti haya, Sera zozote au Sheria (z)inazohusika; Google itapaswa kufanya hivyo ili kuendana na matakwa ya kisheria au amri ya mahakama; au (c) Google inaamini pasipo na shaka kwamba mwenendo wa Mfanyabiashara unasababisha madhara au dhima kwa upande wowote au Google. Ikiwa Muuzaji anaamini kwamba utumiaji wake wa GMC, Huduma au Akaunti umewekewa vikwazo, imesimamishwa au kusitishwa kimakosa, Mfanyabiashara anapaswa kurejea mchakato wa rufaa katika Sera. Mfanyabiashara anaweza kusitisha Makubaliano haya wakati wowote kwa kufunga Akaunti yake na kuacha kutumia GMC.
  10. Mabadiliko ya Masharti. Google inaweza kufanya mabadiliko madogo ya Masharti haya wakati wowote bila taarifa, lakini Google itatoa notisi ya mapema ya mabadiliko yoyote makubwa ya Masharti haya. Mabadiliko ya Masharti hayatatumika kwa siku za nyuma na yataanza kutumika angalau siku 15 baada ya kuchapishwa. Hata hivyo, mabadiliko yanayofanywa kwa sababu za kisheria au katika hali ya dharura (kama vile kuzuia matumizi mabaya yanayoendelea) yatatekelezwa mara moja baada ya taarifa.
  11. Sheria zinazotawala; Utatuzi wa migogoro. Masharti haya yanasimamiwa na Sheria za Uingereza, na wahusika watafuata mamlaka ya sheria za mamlaka za Uingereza pekee, kuhusiana na mgogoro wowote, (uwe wa kimkataba au sio kimkataba) kuhusiana na Masharti haya. Ikiwa Mfanyabiashara yuko katika eneo ambalo masharti haya yanatumika, Mfanyabiashara pia anaweza kutuma maombi ya kusuluhisha mgogoro na Google unaotokana na Masharti/Makubaliano haya au GMC kupitia upatanishi. Mfanyabiashara anaweza kupata taarifa zaidi kuhusu wasuluhishi ambao Google ipo tayari kushirikiana nao na maelekezo kuhusu namna ambavyo anaweza kuomba usuluhishi hapa. Isipokuwa kama inavyotakiwa na Sheria zinazohusika, Usuluhishi ni suala la hiyari, na Si Mfanyabiashara wala Google analazimshwa kusuluhisha mgogogoro kwa njia ya Usuluhishi.
  12. Tafsiri. Iwapo Masharti haya yatatafsiriwa katika lugha nyingine yoyote, kwa kiwango stahiki kinachoruhusiwa na sheria inayotumika, tafsiri kama hiyo itatumika kwa madhumuni ya marejeleo pekee, na tafsiri ya Kiingereza itatumika kwanza ikiwa kutatokea mgogoro.
  13. Mengineyo. (a) Kwa mujibu wa Kifungu cha 7(b) (ii), Masharti haya ni makubaliano yote ya pande husika yanayohusiana na mada husika na yanachukua nafasi ya makubaliano yoyote ya awali au ya yatakayofikiwa wakati wowote kuhusu jambo hilo. (b) Mfanyabiashara hawezi kutoa taarifa yoyote kwa umma kuhusu uhusiano unaopendekezwa na Vigezo na Masharti haya (isipokuwa itakapohitajika kisheria). (c) Isipokuwa kwa marekebisho ya Vigezo na Masharti na Google chini ya Kifungu cha 10, marekebisho yoyote ya Vigezo hivi lazima yakubaliwe na pande zote mbili na ni lazima yatamke wazi kwamba yanarekebisha Vigezo hivi. (d) Taarifa zote za kusitishwa au ukiukaji lazima ziwe katika maandishi na zipelekwe kwenye Idara ya Sheria ya upande mwingine (au ikiwa haijulikani endapo upande mwingine una Idara ya Sheria basi ipelekwe kwa mawasiliano (anwani) ya awali ya upande mwingine au anwani nyingine kwenye faili). Barua pepe zitachukuliwa kama Taarifa ya Maandishi. Anwani ya barua pepe itakayotumika kwa taarifa zinazotumwa kwa Idara ya Sheria ya Google ni Taarifa zingine zote kwa Muuzaji zitakuwa kwa maandishi na zitatumwa kwa anwani ya barua pepe inayohusiana na akaunti ya Mfanyabiashara. Taarifa nyingine zote kwenda Google zitaandikwa na kutumwa kwa anwani ya awali ya Muuzaji/Mfanyabiashara iliyopo Google au njia nyingine itakayotolewa na Google. Taarifa itashughulikiwa kama inavyotolewa kwenye stakabadhi, kama inavyothibitishwa kwa njia ya maandishi au ya kielektroniki. Masharti haya ya notisi hayatatumika kwa masuala ya michakato ya kisheria, ambayo badala yake yanasimamiwa na sheria inayotumika. (e) Hakuna upande wowote utakaochukuliwa kuwa umeondoa haki zozote kwa kutotumia (au kwa kuchelewesha utekelezaji wa) haki zozote chini ya Masharti haya. (f) Iwapo kifungu chochote cha Masharti haya kitaonekana kuwa hakitekelezeki, basi kifungu hicho kitaondolewa na vifungu vinavyosalia vya Masharti hayo vitaendelea kutumika na kutekelezwa kikamilifu. (g) Hakuna upande utakaoweza kutoa haki au wajibu wake wowote chini ya Masharti bila ridhaa ya maandishi ya upande mwingine, isipokuwa kwa mshirika wake lakini endapo tu pale ambapo (I) mhusika atakubali kwa maandishi kufungwa na Vigezo na Masharti haya, (II) upande unaokabidhi utaendelea kuwajibika kwa majukumu chini ya Vigezo na Masharti haya, ikiwa mhusika (mkabidhiwa) atayakiuka, na (III) upande unaokabidhi umeujulisha upande mwingine kuhusu makabidhiano hayo. Jaribio lingine lolote la kuhamisha au kukasimisha ni batili. (h) Hakutakuwa na wanufaika wengine wa upande wa tatu (waliopo nje ya makubaliano haya) kutokana na Masharti haya. (i) Masharti haya hayaundi wakala wowote, ubia, ushirika wa kibiashara au uhusiano wa ajira baina ya wahusika. (j) Vipengele vya 1, 4, 6-9 (vikijumuishwa) na 11-13 (vikijumuishwa) vitaendelea kuwa hai/kufanya kazi hata baada ya kuisha au kusitishwa Masharti/makubaliano haya. (k) Hakuna upande au Washirika watakaowajibika kwa kushindwa au kucheleweshwa kwa utekelezaji kutakakotokana/kusababishwa na na sababu zilizo nje ya uwezo wake.

Last modified: 24 Oct 2022 (view prior version)

Google Merchant Center Terms of Service

These Google Merchant Center Terms of Service (“Terms”) are entered into by Google Ireland Limited (“Google”) and the entity executing these Terms or that accepts these Terms electronically (“Merchant”).  These Terms govern Merchant’s use of the Google Merchant Center, including related services, features and functionality (“Services”) (i) that are accessible through the account(s) given to Merchant in connection with these Terms (“Accounts”) or (ii) that incorporate these Terms by reference (collectively, “GMC”).  

  1. Using GMC.  Merchant may submit data, feeds or other content (“Content”) to GMC using various means, including through Google APIs. Merchant agrees to submit Content in a manner that complies with any instructions or specifications made available to Merchant by Google. Google may make available functionality that permits Merchant to export, link or transfer Content from GMC to, or otherwise use Content  from GMC with, another Google service. In that case, the terms and conditions of such other Google service will apply with respect to Merchant’s use of such service, provided that Merchant’s use of GMC will continue to be governed by these Terms. If Merchant chooses to use certain optional GMC Services, then Merchant may be required to agree to separate terms that are specific to those Services.  Some GMC Services are identified as “Beta” or as otherwise unsupported or confidential (“Beta Features”).  Merchant may not disclose any information from or about Beta Features or the terms or existence of any non-public Beta Features.  Google or its Affiliates may suspend, modify or discontinue Services, including Beta Features, at any time.  For purposes of these Terms, “Affiliate” means any entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with Google from time to time.
  2. Account.  Merchant’s use of GMC is subject to creation and approval by Google of one or more Account(s).  In order to verify Accounts, and from time-to-time in connection with Merchant’s use of GMC, Google may require additional information, including legal entity name, phone number, address and relevant domains. Merchant is responsible for its use of GMC, including all access to and use of Accounts, Content submitted to GMC through Accounts and safeguarding of Account usernames and passwords.
  3. Policies
    1. Merchant’s use of GMC is subject to (i) the applicable Google policies available at and all other policies made available by Google to Merchant, as may be modified by Google from time to time (collectively, “Policies”), (ii) these Terms and (iii) Merchant’s compliance with applicable law(s).
    2. In connection with GMC, (i) Google will comply with the Google Privacy Policy available at (as modified from time to time) and (ii) to the extent applicable, Google and Merchant agree to the Google Controller-Controller Data Protection Terms at (“Data Protection Terms”).  Google will not modify the Data Protection Terms, except as expressly permitted under the Data Protection Terms.
  4. Merchant Content.
    1. Merchant hereby grants to Google an  irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free license to use Content (to the extent protected by intellectual property rights) in connection with Google’s or its Affiliates’ products and services for the maximum duration of such intellectual property rights under applicable law. Merchant agrees that Google may sublicense these rights to its Affiliates and contractors performing services for Google or its Affiliates and to Google’s or its Affiliates’ users so they can use such Content in connection with using Google’s or its Affiliates’ products and services.
    2. If Content submitted by Merchant contains URLs or similar content, Merchant hereby grants to Google the right to, access, index, cache or crawl the URL(s) and the content available through such URL(s) (“Destinations”).  For example, Google may utilize an automated software program to retrieve and analyze websites associated with such URLs.  Merchant agrees that any content collected by Google or its Affiliates from Destinations will be considered Content and treated as such in accordance with these Terms.
    3. By using GMC, Merchant authorizes Google to use any trademarks, service marks, trade names, proprietary logos, domain names and any other source or business identifiers in connection with Google's authorized use of Content.
  5. Testing.  Merchant authorizes Google and its Affiliates to (a) periodically conduct tests that may affect Merchant’s use of Services (including as relates to Destinations, quality, ranking, performance, formatting or other adjustments) without notice to Merchant, and (b) automate retrieval and analysis of, and create test credentials to access, Destinations.
  6. Warranties.  
    1. Each party warrants that it has full power and authority to enter into these Terms.
    2. Merchant represents and warrants that:
      1. it holds, and will maintain, the rights to grant the licenses and permissions set forth in Section 4,
      2. it will not provide any Content that violates Policies, applicable law or any applicable privacy policies, or infringes any third party intellectual property rights,
      3. it has all necessary rights and consents to make available to Google any information collected from or about an individual that is subject to protection under applicable data privacy or data protection laws or regulations and
      4. the information and authorizations provided by Merchant (including all necessary product-related disclosures required to display Merchant offers) are and will remain complete, correct and current.
    3. The parties’ only warranties under these Terms are expressly set out in this Section 6 (Warranties). Subject to Section 7(b) (Exceptions to Limitations), the parties disclaim all conditions, warranties, and other terms not expressly set out in these Terms (including any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose).
  7. Limitation of Liability.  In this Section 7 (Limitation of Liability), “Liability” means any liability, whether under contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, and whether or not foreseeable or contemplated by the parties.
    1. Limitations. To the extent permitted by applicable law and subject to Section 7(b) (Exceptions to Limitations):
      1. neither party will have any Liability arising out of or relating to these Terms for any lost revenues or profits (whether direct or indirect); or any special, indirect, incidental or consequential losses (whether or not foreseeable or contemplated by the parties at the Effective Date); and
      2. each party’s total Liability arising out of or relating to these Terms is limited to £25,000.
    2. Exceptions to Limitations. Nothing in these Terms excludes or limits either party’s Liability for:
      1. death or personal injury resulting from its negligence or the negligence of its employees or agents;
      2. fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation;
      3. its obligations under Section 8 (Indemnity); or
      4. matters for which Liability cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.
  8. Indemnification.  To the extent allowed by applicable law, Merchant will defend and indemnify Google, its Affiliates, agents and licensors against all liabilities, damages, losses, costs, fees (including legal fees), and expenses relating to any third-party legal proceeding to the extent arising out of or related to Merchant’s Content, Destinations, use of GMC, its related Services or any breach of these Terms by Merchant.
  9. Termination.  Google reserves the right to restrict, suspend or terminate (in whole or in part) Merchant’s access to, or use of, GMC, the Services or the Account(s) upon written notice (or with at least 30 days’ prior notice if required by applicable law) if: (a) Merchant breaches these Terms, any Policies or applicable law(s); (b) Google is required to do so to comply with a legal requirement or a court order; or (c) Google reasonably believes that Merchant’s conduct causes harm or liability to a third party or Google. If Merchant believes its access to GMC, the Services or the Account(s) has been restricted, suspended or terminated in error, Merchant should refer to the appeal process in the Policies. Merchant may terminate these Terms at any time by closing its Account(s) and ceasing to use GMC.
  10. Changes to Terms.  Google may make non-material changes to these Terms at any time without notice, but Google will provide advance notice of any material changes to these Terms. Changes to the Terms will not apply retroactively and will become effective at least 15 days after posting. However, changes made for legal reasons or in urgent situations (such as preventing ongoing abuse) will be effective immediately upon notice.
  11. Governing Law; Dispute Resolution. These Terms are governed by English law, and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts in relation to any dispute (contractual or non-contractual) concerning these Terms.  If Merchant is based in an applicable jurisdiction, Merchant may also apply to resolve a dispute with Google arising in relation to these Terms or GMC through mediation. Merchant can find more details about the mediators Google is willing to engage with and instructions on how to request mediation here. Except as required by applicable law, mediation is voluntary and neither Merchant nor Google is obliged to settle disputes through mediation.
  12. Translation.  If these Terms are translated into any other language, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, such translation exists for reference purposes only, and the English text will take precedence in the event of a conflict.
  13. Miscellaneous. (a) Subject to Section 7(b)(ii), these Terms are the parties’ entire agreement relating to their subject matter and supersede any prior or contemporaneous agreements on those subjects. (b) Merchant may not make any public statement regarding the relationship contemplated by these Terms (except when required by law). (c) Except for modifications to the Terms by Google under Section 10, any amendment to these Terms must be agreed to by both parties and must expressly state that it is amending these Terms. (d) All notices of termination or breach must be in writing and addressed to the other party’s Legal Department (or if it is not known if the other party has a Legal Department then to the other party's primary contact or other address on file). Emails are written notices. The email address for notices being sent to Google’s Legal Department is  All other notices to Merchant will be in writing and sent to an email address associated with Merchant’s account.  All other notices to Google will be in writing and addressed to Merchant’s primary contact at Google or other method made available by Google. Notice will be treated as given on receipt, as confirmed by written or electronic means. These notice requirements do not apply to legal service of process, which is instead governed by applicable law. (e) Neither party will be treated as having waived any rights by not exercising (or by delaying the exercise of) any rights under these Terms. (f) If any provision of these Terms is found unenforceable, that provision will be severed and the balance of the Terms will remain in full force and effect. (g) Neither party may assign any of its rights or obligations under these Terms without the written consent of the other party, except to an affiliate but only where (I) the assignee agrees in writing to be bound by these Terms, (II) the assigning party remains liable for obligations under these Terms if the assignee defaults on them, and (III) the assigning party has notified the other party of the assignment. Any other attempt to transfer or assign is void.  (h) There are no third-party beneficiaries to these Terms. (i) These Terms do not create any agency, partnership, joint venture or employment relationship among the parties. (j) Sections 1, 4, 6-9 (inclusive)  and 11-13 (inclusive) will survive expiration or termination of these Terms. (k) No party or its Affiliates are liable for failure or delay in performance to the extent caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control.