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Helpful recommended closure flag, post not closed? [duplicate]

I flagged this post for recommended closure because it's caused by a typo. My flag was marked as helpful, but the post is still open. What gives?
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-9 votes
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What is the proper response to a question being closed as off-topic? How does it get re-opened? [duplicate]

I made a question that was marked as off-topic by ask about manual references. And, I suppose, for the same reason down-voted. I've already rewritten its title and body, changing the focus. So I ...
artu-hnrq's user avatar
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Advice on raising a flag to re-open a question

I recently came across a question, which was closed as too broad years ago. However, I found it quite interesting and given that much progress on the topic has been made since it was asked, I would ...
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-4 votes
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How can we streamline the close flagging and voting dialogues?

If you can bear with these premium graphic artworks. The current flagging system on questions has 3 or more dialog boxes to be navigated through to close for specific reasons or to use the "other" ...
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-2 votes
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Why was this question closed as off-topic?

Why Equals(null) fail on object array null check While the question is a bit low-quality in the sense that the answer is trivial and the asker probably could have gotten it through research before ...
Mr Anderson's user avatar
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-11 votes
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If a question has been flagged as a duplicate but is not really one, then how can an SO user communicate the same (other than comments)? [duplicate]

I came across a question from a newbie SO user (but not new to program or the platform) which had been flagged as a duplicate, but it was not really one. It had 2-3 downvotes. It has since been ...
Ravindra HV's user avatar
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How to gain more attention on question which should be closed even if flagging didn't help?

A few days ago I flagged this question and this question as Unclear what you're asking, but the reason my flags are still pending might be because of very low number of views. And since I'm not in ...
Yurets's user avatar
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-10 votes
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How can I ask to have my closed question reopened? [duplicate]

I've got a question that hasn't been reopened after some users put it on hold as unclear, I want to know when that right is gained. Also how can I ask for my questions to be reopened? What happens ...
Jonathan Solorzano's user avatar
2 votes
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Where did my flag options go?

As I recall I used to have more flagging options than this. Did something change? Is this just because of my low rep? Or a recent declined flag?
Dan Oberlam's user avatar
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