Manly Stuff

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How to Tie a Monkey's Fist Knot | The Art of Manliness
The Science of Drive: 5 Theories of Motivation That Can Help You Achieve Your Goals
It’s a new year and millions of people around the world are making resolutions to improve themselves in the months to come. A large portion of those resolution-makers are probably making the same well-intentioned vows they made last January: “This is the year I’ll get in shape…learn a new language…get the garage organized… ” But […]
How to Tame the Dad Sneeze
How to Sneeze Quietly: Tame the Dad Sneeze | The Art of Manliness
A Pocket History of Milton J. Wurtleburtle
You can tell a lot about a man from what he keeps in his pockets. And you can tell a man's whole life history from how those contents change over time.
Skill of the Week: Use Chopsticks Like Mr. Miyagi
Skill of the Week: Use Chopsticks Like Mr. Miyagi | The Art of Manliness
6 Ways to Open a Stuck Jar Lid
6 Ways to Open a Stuck Jar Lid | The Art of Manliness
How to Wash a Sweater (Without Ruining It)
How to Wash a Wool Sweater the Right Way | The Art of Manliness
How to Find an Honest and Reliable Mechanic
How does one find a trustworthy automotive professional? I talked with a few car mechanics to find out and share their recommendations below.
Via Negativa: Adding to Your Life By Subtracting
Sometimes the most important and beneficial things you add to your life are actually things that are subtracted from it.