Gregory Colberth

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Gregory Colbert
If you have never heard of Gregory Colbert, it is time. Visit his website. Find him on Facebook. Drive wherever you need to to see his next exhibit. I drove to NYC a few years ago for one day to see his Ashes and Snow show. Breathtaking.
Gregory Colbert (Canadian Filmmaker) ~ Bio Wiki | Photos | Videos
Ashes and Snow - a lovely image from Gregory Colbert's 2005 cinematic masterpiece
Colbert's Ashes and Snow Exhibit
Every one of Gregory Colbert’s photographs captures a moment that happened. The cynical eye is trained to assume trickery in images such as these, is resistant to the idea that they could represent the actual and the possible, but these images owe nothing to Photoshop, photo manipulation, montage, artificial lighting, or special effects.
Fofodumetal artístico: El reino animal de Gregory Colbert - fotofestín
Gregory Colbert, fotógrafo canadiense, pasó diez años documentando más de 130 especies de animales salvajes en todo el mundo. ¿El motivo?, mostrar el equilibrio que debemos tener los humanos junto con la naturaleza y los seres que la habitamos, equilibrio que mantienen sus fotografías en tono sepia
Poesía… Gregory Colbert
Poesía… Gregory Colbert – Cuaderno de retazos
La humildad que nace del corazón
La humildad que nace del corazón - La Mente es Maravillosa
Pinturas, collage, bocetos y dibujos, todos vale para expresarse y hacer feliz a alguien. Creatividad, espontaneidad, imaginación, inspiración y amor.