Art Games
19 Pins
Elements of Art Cootie Catcher Game
Here's a fun way to teach the elements of art. Students can work by themselves, in pairs, or groups to guess either the name of the element or its definition. 5 different versions are included so you can creatively incorporate them into your lessons. Great for upper elementary students and can be done in 1 period or over the course of weeks as new elements are learned. One version has students drawing. Come check it out!
End of Year Games to Play in the Art Room
What do you do at the end of the school year when you’re feeling burned out, low on supplies and the kids want to be anywhere but a classroom? We’ve got two ideas for end-of-the-year games to play in the art room. The first is a drawing game for kids in grades 1-12 and the second is an art history game for middle and high school.
Halloween Art Projects for Kids: Design a Pumpkin
Halloween art projects for kids don’t have to be so time consuming. Why stress yourself out coming up with fun, engaging projects to display when you can download them instantly? No more last minute scrambling! Check out this pumpkin art project. It's perfect for Halloween bulletin boards and simple enough to leave with a substitute teacher, too.