Dork Diaries CharactersMackenzie HollisterDork DiariesCute Backgrounds For PhonesCute Art StylesBook Art DrawingsCartoon Art StylesDesign SketchPretty ArtDork Diaries CharactersMackenzie Hollister 💓 #dorkdiaries2.1k
Dork Diaries CharactersDork Diaries SeriesDork Diaries BooksDisney SidekicksDork DiariesEmo ArtDiary BookChildhood BooksDrama QueenMackenzie’s jealousy part 1Is Mackenzie jealous???510
Girly GraphicsGirly VibesDork DiariesRennaissance ArtBrooklyn BabySummer TropicalSketch IdeasPink Girly ThingsPink VibesGirly Graphics799
Makenzie Dork DiaryMackenzie Dork Diaries IconThe Dork DiariesGirly Diary AestheticMackenzie Hollister OutfitsMackenzie Hollister Dork DiariesMackenzie Hollister AestheticMackenzie Dork DiariesDork Diaries AestheticHow to Be Like MacKenzie Hollister from Dork DiariesDo you love Rachel Renee Russell's Dork Diaries? Do you want the flair and class of Mackenzie Hollister, Nikki's arch enemy? This simple article will teach you how! Have a healthy diet and stick to it. Mackenzie is very healthy. If you...183
Mackenzie Dork DiariesDork Diaries PfpDork DiaryDork Diaries CharactersMackenzie HollisterCartoon ScreenshotsFuture PfpDork DiariesCool Coloring PagesMackenzie232
Design Vision BoardInterior Design Vision BoardAffirmations Vision BoardManifestation Vision BoardDork DiariesVision Board ImagesPretty Pink PrincessFurniture Interior DesignVision Board Affirmationsthis is so me fr!#girlblog #coquette <3208
Dork Diaries Coloring Pages MackenzieDork Diaries Coloring PagesDork DiaryDork Diaries CharactersGirly NostalgiaMackenzie HollisterDrawing TutDork DiariesColor SheetsMackenzie239
Dork Diaries Characters MackenzieNikki Dork DiariesDork Diaries NikkiDork Diaries CharactersNikki MaxwellMackenzie HollisterDork Diaries BooksQuotes From Famous PeopleSchool NewspaperMacKenzie HollisterMacKenzie Hollister is the main antagonist. She is the most popular girl at Westchester Country Day Middle School, the leader of the CCP (Cute, Cool & Popular) clique and the enemy of Nikki Maxwell. She is considered to be a stereotypical mean, sinister and vile girl. Nikki calls her "a pit bull in glittery eye shadow and Jimmy Choo flip-flops", along with various other insults, both in her diary and reality. She formerly attended North Hampton Hills International Academy, before moving back…365
Dork Diaries CharactersDork Diaries SeriesMackenzie HollisterDork Diaries BooksDork DiariesDrama QueenDiary IdeasCartoon Coloring PagesManga PanelsMackenzie’s jealousy part 2540