Title: Violet February Birth Month Flower Ring with Amethyst Birthstone Story: Discover the enchanting Violet Flower Amethyst Ring, a mesmerizing celebration of February's birthstone. Symbolizing modesty, faithfulness, and everlasting love, this exquisite ring also bestows courage upon its wearer, strengthening relationships with each cherished moment. Embrace the beauty of this meaningful birthstone ring, a perfect gift for a loved one born in February, as it embodies the essence of innocence and remembrance, creating an everlasting connection. Material: Solid 14k Yellow Gold, 14k White Gold, 14k Rose Gold or solid 925 Sterling Silver. 18k and 9k Gold are available upon request. Timeline: Custom made to order (2 weeks) Size: Stone: 2 mm genuine AA grade brilliant cut and 1.2-3 solid round band Special Options: I offer different gemstones upon request. Packaging: All items are nicely packaged and ready to gift in lovely jewelry boxes. The jewelry boxes are reusable and recyclable Background: Amelia Ray is a Texas-based jewelry designer who creates unique, nature-inspired pieces using 3D printers. With a commitment to sustainability, Amelia prioritizes ethical sourcing of diamonds and gemstones. She is dedicated to minimizing environmental impact by utilizing non-plastic packaging and employing sustainable methods throughout her jewelry-making process. As a one-woman show, Amelia welcomes inquiries and custom requests, ensuring personalized attention to bring your dream piece to life. Feel free to reach out with any questions or design ideas.