Top news
College Football Playoff bracket: Schedule, rankings, seeds
College Football Playoff's first 12-team bracket is set with Oregon No. 1 and SMU in, Alabama out
College Football Playoff: Making the national championship case for each of the 12 teams in the field
By Nick Bromberg
SMU in, but Bama, Miami out in CFP field reveal
By Andrea Adelson
Frequently asked questions
See popular questions from Google SearchHow many teams are in the college football playoffs in 2024?
How many teams are in the NCAA football playoffs?
All coverage
2024-25 College Football Playoff schedule: List of matchups, dates, times, and TV channels
By Patricia Duffy
College Football Playoff: Why each team can, cannot win national championship as 12-team era begins
By Carter Bahns
3 ways to improve expanded College Football Playoff | Analysis
By Jon August Wellner
Tripling the field did nothing to eliminate the controversy surrounding the College Football Playoff
By Christopher Gasper
College Football Locked Up Its Playoff. Did They Get It Right—or Is ‘Getting it Right’ Overrated?
By Jason Gay
Key Stats: How The CFP Committee Selected The 12 Teams
By Giovanni Malloy
David Teel: A fix for the College Football Playoff before the first game is played? Here’s one idea.
By David Teel
NCAA Football Best Bets: College Football Playoff
By Scott Cullen
Scoggins: Despite its flaws, the 12-team playoff looks wide open. That stands as progress
By Chip Scoggins
Will Oregon win College Football Playoff? Predictions for every CFP game, round by round
By Chris Hansen
Alabama snub has analyst pitching Greg Sankey to push for changes to College Football Playoff
By Zain B
Betting Stuff: Who was handed the hardest CFP path?
By Derek R. Peterson
2024-2025 College Football Playoff bracket revealed: How does 12-team field shake out?
By Ryan Gaydos
College Football Playoff rankings: Updated 12-team bracket revealed in final CFP poll of 2024
By Dan Treacy
College Football Playoff predictions: Our best guess for what the 12-team bracket will look like on Sunday
By Nick Bromberg
College Football Playoff bracket picks: Expert predictions for 12-team field to crown 2025 national champion
By Adam Silverstein