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OpenAI vs Elon Musk lawsuit

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Kylie Robison @ NeurIPS
In a letter to the California Attorney General, Meta said allowing OpenAI to become a for-profit company would set a dangerous precedent of allowing startups to enjoy the advantages of nonprofit status until they are poised to become profitable. www.wsj.com/tech/ai/elon-musk-open-ai-lawsuit-response-c1f415f8
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Ian Hogarth
long-horizon planning: "On one call, Elon told us he didn’t care about equity personally but just needed to accumulate $80B for a city on Mars" openai.com/index/elon-musk-wanted-an-openai-for-profit/
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Paul Triolo
OpenAI Fires Back at Elon Musk’s Lawsuit The artificial intelligence start-up argues that Mr. Musk is trying to hamstring its business as he builds a rival company. www.nytimes.com/2024/12/13/technology/openai-elon-musk-lawsuit.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare via @NYTimes
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Ben Fritz
OpenAI just released a trove of internal documents indicating Elon Musk was totally cool with it becoming a for-profit, if he had control. www.wsj.com/tech/ai/elon-musk-wanted-to-make-openai-a-for-profit-company-he-controlled-messages-show-c1f415f8?st=WdHJ2r&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink pic.x.com/bh5IIXZFeH
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