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DirectIn real estate Brochure
DirectIn the Qatari real estate Brochure company full designed by AGXY team arabic and english copy, you can download it for free from link contain . النسخة العربية من مجلة الاعمال لشركة ديركت ان القطرية احد اكبر مجموعة قطر للاستثمار ... تم تصميم المجلة بشكل كامل من فريق اجكسي يمكنك تميل النسخة مجانا العربية و الانجليزية من اللنك المرفق
Business Template
PSD Template. this is company profile PSD Template is perfect for business, NGO, it can be used for organization or foundation, campaign & event donation and companies, which aim to collect information and the Facility needs to or for world's business needs. The it designed using Adobe Photoshop. This print Included with different color options. contains Design in 3 PSD files, all A4 Size, 300 dpi print-ready CMYK psd file, the design can arrive to 64 pages such as magazines.
Arco-Numérique - L'informatique pour tous
J'ai une fois encore le plaisir de vous annoncer la mise ligne d'un nouveau site. Il s'agit de celui d'Arco Numérique pour lequel je remercie Marjorie Tognet pour sa confiance. Marjorie a créé l'entreprise Arco Numérique pour répondre aux besoins du grand public, afin de former à l’utilisation des outils numériques et ainsi réduire la fracture numérique et l’illectronisme. Il est vrai qu'avec la place de plus en plu
Company Profile Template
PSD Template. this is company profile, PSD Template is perfect for business, it can be used for organization or foundation, campaign & event and companies, which aim to collect information and the Facility needs to or for world's business needs. The it designed using Adobe Photoshop. This print Included with different color options. contains Design in 3 PSD files, all A4 Size, 300 dpi print-ready CMYK psd file, the design can arrive to 64 pages such as magazines for starting price 15 $