Addax AntelopeHorned AnimalsAfrican AntelopeMoose DeerAmazing Animal PicturesSummer CoatsLarge NumbersAnimals FriendshipSahara DesertAddax AntelopeAddax (Addax nasomaculatus)64
Addax AntelopeAntelope AnimalPic FunnyAfrican AntelopeExtinct AnimalsAbout AnimalsRare AnimalsEndangered AnimalsAfrican WildlifeThe addax – a desert specialistThe endangered addax (Addax nasomaculatus, screw-horned antelope) is the most desert-adapted African antelope: it has anatomical, physiological and behavioral characteristics allowing the utilization of extremely desolate, inhospitable and arid habitats.624
Addax AntelopeAfrican AntelopeDesert AnimalsDesert PhotographyTropical AnimalsRare SpeciesKids StudyAnimal FactsIn The DesertAddax AntelopeThe animal that Cress sees in the desert. Desert addax.80
Interesting AnimalsMule DeerRare AnimalsManxEndangered AnimalsAfrican WildlifeAfrican AnimalsAnimals Of The WorldAnimal PlanetInteresting AnimalsAddex Antelope. These guys change color during the seasons451
Addax AntelopeAntelope HuntingAntelope AnimalAfrican AntelopeDifferent Types Of AnimalsDeer PhotosAfrican Wild DogThe Sahara DesertWild CreaturesAddax Antelope267
Addax AntelopeDiurnal AnimalsAfrican AntelopeSahara DesertRare AnimalsDesert PlantsAnimal FactsJolie PhotoSea WorldAddax nasomaculatus | Bukhara DeerAddax | Addax, Dhoumes National Park, Tunisia (reintroduced)87
Addax AntelopeAnimals And Their HabitatsCaring For AnimalsBrookfield ZooTropical AnimalsRare SpeciesAnimal NailsUseful InformationPretty AnimalsBrookfield Zoo Chicago - Share the Care for Brookfield Zoo Chicago AnimalsCaring for animals and their habitats is central to our mission. A trained and dedicated staff provides the best care possible through a commitment to the health and well-being of the animals. By helping care for the animals at the zoo, you are also helping research and conservation efforts within the zoo and around the world.175
Animal GeneratorAddax AntelopeHorns ReferenceAntelope AnimalAfrican AntelopeThe Sahara DesertKingdom AnimaliaTropical AnimalsRare SpeciesAnimal GeneratorAddax antelope23
Addax AntelopeGods HandsAnimals With HornsRegard AnimalDavid LeeAnimal ReferencesMule DeerIncredible CreaturesWild CreaturesSahara Conservation exists to conserve the wildlife and ecosystems of the Sahara DesertThe Sahara Conservation Fund (SCF) is an international non-governmental organization established in 2004 to conserve the wildlife and the endangered species of the Sahara desert.52
Animals With HornsAfrica WildlifeRare AnimalsMajestic AnimalsAfrican WildlifeAfrican AnimalsWildlife AnimalsWild LifeAnimal PlanetAbout Wild Animals: A majestic antelope on the Savannah plainsA majestic antelope on the Savannah plains.607