Upside Down Belly Button PiercingLower Belly PiercingLower Belly Button PiercingLower Navel PiercingBottom Belly Button PiercingFloating Navel PiercingManifest BoardPiercing InspirationBellybutton PiercingsUpside Down Belly Button PiercingLower navel51
Lower Navel Piercing AestheticInverted Belly Button PiercingInverted Navel PiercingReverse Navel PiercingInverse Navel PiercingLower Belly PiercingLower Belly Button PiercingLower Navel PiercingFloating Navel PiercingLower Navel Piercing Aestheticmy tattoo and lower navel piercing....more than satisfied! :)115
Lower Belly Button PiercingLower Navel PiercingHot PicklePiercings JewelryNavel Piercing JewelryButton PiercingTooth GemPiercing ShopLower BellyLower Belly Button PiercingShe did’t have the right anatomy for a regular navel piercing so we did a lower one and kept the jewelry small (not short)… | Instagram25
Top And Bottom Navel PiercingFloating Belly Button PiercingInverse Navel PiercingSurface Navel PiercingLower Navel PiercingFloating Navel PiercingBelly Button Piercing Cleaning TipsFloating NavelNaval PiercingTop And Bottom Navel PiercingAnother floating navel for a client who didn't have the anatomy to support your standard navel jewellery. Happy in its new home 😍23
Stomach PiercingsCute Nose PiercingsBellybutton PiercingsBelly Button Piercing JewelryBelly Piercing JewelryBelly Button JewelryPretty Jewelry NecklacesCute PiercingsBelly JewelryStomach Piercings530
Floating Navel PiercingFloating NavelPiercing IdeasNavel PiercingBody ModificationsBody ModsTattoos And PiercingsBody JewelryBelly Button RingsFloating Navel Piercing3
Lower Navel PiercingDouble Navel PiercingDream BodiesNavel PiercingBelly Button PiercingNavel RingsPiercing TattooBody ModsThe DoubleLower Navel PiercingLove the double navel rings8
Reverse Navel PiercingBelly Button Piercing On An OutieOutie Belly Button PiercingsOutie Belly ButtonLower Navel PiercingBellybutton PiercingsBelly Button Piercing JewelryBody OrgansNavel PiercingReverse Navel PiercingLower navel piercing with a titanium bezel set navel curve with amethyst CZs. Anodized vibrant purple by us. Jewelry from @Intrinsic. #navelpiercing #titaniumbodyjewelry #bodypiercing206