How To Shape A Japanese Maple TreePropagating Japanese Maple TreeAcer Shirasawanum JordanPruning Apple TreesAcer Palmatum BonsaiApple Tree CareAcer Palmatum KatsuraPruning ShrubsTraining VinesPruning Trees and ShrubsPruning Trees and Shrubs is easy if you know why, when, where and how.209
Trim BushesHow To Trim BushesPruning ShrubsEvergreen BushEvergreen HedgeBroadleaf EvergreenGarden ShearsFoundation PlantingEvergreen PlantsPruning Evergreens: How And When To Prune Different Evergreen PlantsPruning evergreens can be intimidating if you aren’t sure what to do. Read on for help pruning evergreen trees and shrubs.3
Pruning ShrubsPruning PlantsTree PruningGarden ShrubsDos And Don'tsGarden PlansThis Old HouseFlowering ShrubsGarden CareShrub Pruning Dos and Don'tsNot sure how to shape up the shrubs in your yard? In our guide, we explain proper pruning fixes for several common problems.38
Sweet BroomBroom PlantRock Garden PlantsGarden ShrubsSchool GardenInvasive SpeciesGreen LandscapeLandscaping PlantsSmall TreesScotch Broom Pruning: When And How To Trim A Scotch Broom PlantPruning a scotch broom shrub must be done conservatively and at the correct season. Take a look at this article for more information about scotch broom maintenance and pruning. Click here to learn more.42
Small Flowering ShrubsBurning Bush ShrubBest Shrubs For ShadePlants For ShadeTall ShrubsShade ShrubsFlowering BushesDecorative PlantsShade Garden PlantsWhen to prune burning bush to keep these dramatic shrubs looking their bestKnow when to trim burning bush plants, whether they need a gentle shaping or major prune20
Common HawthornCrataegus MonogynaHawthorn TreeFairy TreeOrnamental TreesBotanical BeautyDeciduous TreesNatural GiftsSmall TreesCommon HawthornCrataegus monogyna (Biancospino comune/Aubépine à un style/Common hawthorn): Elegant silhouette and a lot of white flowers in early summer3
Best Shrubs For ShadeFlowering Shrubs For ShadeSambucus NigraShade ShrubsHgtv GardenPerennial ShrubsGarden ShrubsGarden PicturesFlowering ShrubsBlack Beauties: 8 Favorite Dark Colored Plants - GardenistaFeeling a tad moody and dark lately? Me too. And while darkness as an emotion isn't totally desirable, in the world of plants it's a completely different t34
Southern LandscapingWinter Lawn CarePruning TreesPruning ShrubsPruning PlantsPopular PlantsPruning Fruit TreesLandscape MaintenanceGarden SolutionsWhat to Prune in Winter (Trees, Shrubs, & Vines) — Empress of DirtThere are many trees and shrubs to prune in late winter while the plants are still dormant and before the warmer weather returns.This list shares many popular plants to prune and tips for trimming your trees and shrubs just right.1.7k
Pruning ShrubsTypes Of ShrubsGardening TrendsRaised Garden Beds DiyPlant HealthEasy GardenPlanting HerbsAll About PlantsGardening For BeginnersHow To Prune Shrubs With Confidence (+ Free Ebook) - An Oregon CottageTake the mystery out of pruning with this simple guide that will show you how to prune shrubs - includes free seasonal pruning guide for most shrubs!8
Russian Olive TreePruning ShrubsOrchard TreeEvergreen HedgePlanting ShrubsInvasive SpeciesOlive LeafHow To Attract BirdsShade TreesRussian olive - growing, pruning, care, and alternativesRussian olive trees are ornamental shrubs for gardens and pots for use on terraces. Caring for them, from planting to pruning, is easy.21