Title 1 Reading ClassroomTitle 1 Reading TeacherTitle One TeacherTitle 1 TeacherTitle 1 Classroom SetupReading Intervention ClassroomIntervention ClassroomClass LibraryReading SpecialistThe Start of the School Year Through Title 1 Eyes | The Healthy TeacherA teacherś point of view regarding the hopes and struggles for Title 1 teachers at the beginning of the year.1
Rti Interventions ElementaryRti InterventionsIntervention SpecialistResponse To InterventionLetters And SoundsReading SpecialistStruggling StudentsWord RecognitionStruggling ReadersRtI InterventionsMy school has begun RtI officially this year. I am the "intervention specialist" for our school's RtI team (sounds fancy I know!). In my ...613
Reading StrugglesRemedial TeachingLearning SpecialistLearning DifferencesReading HelpReading SpecialistReluctant Readers4th Grade Reading3rd Grade Reading12 Incredible Resources for Struggling ReadersIf you teach a struggling reader, these 12 incredible resources for struggling readers are here to encourage you through practical tips and activities.603
1st Grade Reading Intervention Plus a Free Guided Reading ResourceWorking with struggling readers can be quite the task. We worry about these kids the most and spend so much time trying to figure out what can be done to help548
Reading Specialist Literacy CoachReading Intervention Middle SchoolReading Specialist ClassroomReading Intervention ClassroomTeacher OrganisationReading InterventionistResource TeacherIntervention ClassroomLiteracy SpecialistTOP 10 TIPS FOR TEACHERS TAKING ON A NEW ROLEHello Friends!!! It's Jen from Out of This World Literacy! I hope everyone is having a fabulous summer relaxing and sleeping in. I know many of my friends are moving roles in this upcoming school year. Some are switching grades while others are stepping out of the classroom to fill specific leadership positions. As a Literacy Coach, I know what it's like to take that leap out of the classroom and into a specialist position. It. is. scary! Teachers who shift into a leadership role often leave…544
Phonics FluencyReading Intervention ActivitiesPlanning SchoolDecoding WordsNonsense WordsReading Specialist2nd Grade ReadingFirst Grade ReadingTeaching PhonicsDecoding Drills for Building Phonics Fluency - A Teachable TeacherDecoding drills for building fluency helps students apply phonics skills when reading. Perfect warm ups and a great tracking tool, too.4k
Reading Recovery StrategiesReading Support ClassroomMultisensory Reading ActivitiesStructured Learning ActivitiesScience Of Reading MaterialsTitle 1 Reading TeacherScience Of Reading ManipulativesStructured Literacy CentersTeaching How To ReadThe Best Reading Manipulatives For Every ClassroomThe Best Reading Manipulatives For Every Classroom - 15 of the best reading manipulatives for your classroom. These manipulatives for reading help reinforce literacy skills and make learning fun.1.7k
Reading MethodsAcademic CoachingReading InterventionistEsl LearningLiteracy SpecialistReading RecoveryAccelerated ReaderLiteracy CoachingDysgraphia6 Powerful Things The Reading Specialist Wants Teachers To Know | The WISE OwlThis is another one in the series of Tell All's. OK...that's kinda funny. I will be honest, this turned into an Affirmation of Thoughts. Reading382
Science Of Reading Parent LetterScience Of Reading For ParentsScience Of Teaching ReadingStructured LiteracyThe Science Of ReadingScience LiteracyFirst Grade PhonicsLiteracy CoachingTeach ReadingScience of Teaching Reading Explained for FamiliesThe reading scores of American children have remained about the same for over 40 years! Each year, the NAEP data shows about 35% of 4th graders are proficient in reading. This is unacceptable. But...79
Intervention TeacherAcademic ConversationsReading Fluency ActivitiesReading InterventionistFluency ActivitiesIep MeetingsReading Tutoring6th Grade ReadingLiteracy ResourcesReading Fluency Is Not Just About Speed! • Teacher ThriveOver the years, speed has become the main focus of reading fluency. Reading fluency instruction is much more than just speed.837