Genuine leather handbag, leather handcrafted bag, tooled leather bag, vintage bag Super nice handbag in very good condition with some minors signs of use ❤ Please note you can choose from 13 different shipping methods for those items, you need to scroll down on the shipping to see the different options 🥰 thank you so much to pick the one who fits the best for you. Great care and attention go into selecting items that will bring new joy. Since these pieces are pre-loved, they may show signs of aging or minor scrapes and scars that are all part of their story. We also try to use to the more of second hand boxes and wrapping. Our packaging is earth friendly 💕 All pictures are intended to show what some would consider (hopefully not!) damages, flaws, imperfections: please carefully examine each one and request additional photos if interested. We make every attempt to identify and describe the pieces so you get the whole story.💜 We combine shipping if you're in love with other great items from our shop. Please don't hesitate to send us a message if you are interested in multiple pieces, it will be our pleasure to confirm costs as the online tool isn't always accurate for multiple orders.☀️