This weather worksheets and reading passages set is a perfect resource to use for your science lessons. It covers topics about weather, such as types of weather, climate, tools, disaster weather, and more. There are different types of resources, too. There are reading comprehension passages about weather, graphic organizers, writing pages, cut and glue activities, and even a few fold-and-go mini books! Weather Topics covered include:Weather (pleasant weather vs. disaster weather)Weather Instruments Climate Types of Weather (rain, snow, storms)Disaster Weather (tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, blizzards)SeasonsYou will find these types of pages in the weather pack:KWL ChartFact WritingPassagesCut and Glue pages Comprehension PagesVocabulary PagesInformational Writing PageOpinion Writing PageThere are also 4 Fold and Go Mini Books for Weather:Weather book & comprehension pageWeather Instruments book & comprehension pageBad Weather book & comprehension pageSeasons book & comprehension pageThere is now a digital component included in this resource. The graphic organizers and reading passages are now created in Google Slides. (The fold-and-go mini books are not in Google Slides format.)Check out the Preview to see all the weather pages you're getting! This No-Prep Science pack is included in a bundle with other primary science no-prep packs!Check it out here!This purchase is for one single classroom only.If you're interested in sharing with other classrooms, make sure to buy the extra licenses for a discount through the TeachersPayTeachers tool. If you are interested in a site license, please contact me for a quote at