Jennifer Morrison Once Upon a Time Red Jacket A show filled with fairy tale characters, evil monsters, villains, and more, Once Upon a Time takes the viewers on a journey of mystical fantasy filled with drama, romance, action, and life lessons. Featuring characters from Pinocchio, Snow White, Mulan, and Brave, to name a few, the series transports you to a magical realm and is highly praised by fans of the fantasy genre. Exude confidence and charisma with AlexGear Once Upon a Time red jacket adorned by Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan in the series. An iconic outerwear, this red jacket is a must-have for all fans. Style it with any of your outfits to give it a refined aesthetic. The exterior is crafted with leather, boasting resilience against scratches, making this Emma Swan jacket your long-term companion. Equipped with zippered and flap outer pockets as well as inner pockets, it offers a secure place to carry your lip gloss, phone, wallet, and keys, saving you from the hassle of carrying a bag. Outfit Type: Cropped Leather JacketMaterial: Outer: Real Leather Inner: Soft Viscose LiningColor: RedPockets: 3 Outer, 1 Inner PocketsClosure: Zipper ClosureCollar: Stand CollarSize: Refer Size-Chart