⭐️ Introducing our flower silk embroidered top handle crossbody bag that's so beautiful to keep for yourself or gift to your loved ones. ⭐️ The bag comes with pearl strap that's easy to carry and to style. ⭐️ The designs are so unique that you could hardly find it anywhere else. 🌸 Double Side Flowers Style: This style has a clean mint green primary color with lines of pearl beads on the bag. The design features elegant white peonies on one side, and green bamboo forest on the other. The dangly charm that's designed for this style is assembled with pearl beaded tassels. 🌸 Waterlily Embroidery Style: This style is so carefully embroidered with lots of pink lotus flowers that are so vivid and delicate. There is a baroque style pearl right in the center of the bag. The dangly charm that's designed for this style corresponds with the pink and white color tone exactly- with pink and white thin tassels. 🌸 Japanese Apricot Style: This style has a suede fiber texture with delicately embroidered green plum flowers/Japanese apricot on. The style features dangly beaded pearl strings. The yellow and green tone of the flowers make the bag looks so unique and chic to carry. 🌸 Little Yellow Flower Style: This style is made for those who love embroidery but want a minimalist design. There is lace sides on the bag with very dainty embroidery features. The yellow flowers are simple, but elegant. 🌸 Iris Embroidery Style: This style is our most classy design with beautifully embroidered purple Iris flowers. The tassel is beaded with pearls with a purple tone bow on the top that corresponds with the color of the bag. There is also a baroque style pearl right in the middle of the bag that makes it a style that's in between Asian vintage and European vintage. ⭐️ Since we are still a new store, we marked the price to where it could just cover our production cost for customers to try! So don't hesitate to steal the deal! (It's also returnable if it doesn't meet you exceptions!) ⭐️ Each style is designed in a clean and vintage tone with flower embroidery and pearl beads. ⭐️ It is completely made in silk. ⭐️ The size is 6.5 inch x 2.8 inch x 8.5 inch / 17cm x 7 cm x 22 cm ⭐️ The top handle is made in a carved metal, which is vintage and sturdy, and the strap is made in synthetic pearls. 🎁 This is a beautiful piece to keep for your everyday style, or to gift to your special one for a back to school gift, wedding gift, Christmas gift, birthday gift, etc. ✈️ Handling & Shipping usually takes about 10 days in total, so please consider the processing time if it's a time sensitive gift. 🌹 We are trying our best to package your orders with love and care ❤️ Hope you understand our processing time! ⚠️ Returns & Exchanges: We accept returns and exchanges within 7 days!