This Types of Line Worksheet is a quick and easy reference sheet for students to use when learning about "Line" as an Element of Art. Students can "get stuck" when thinking of different types of lines and this lines handout can help! Examples of the following 12 types of lines are included:VerticalHorizontalDiagonalSwirlyCurvedWavyScallopedDottedDashedLoop-to-LoopZig-ZagCross-HatchStudents really enjoy referencing this Types of Line Worksheet and seeing examples of the many types of lines they can use on their artwork. Teachers can specify that a certain number of different lines be included when creating a particular art project, too.Also included are 3 sheets with creative borders that can be used for art brainstorming sheets, or as a starting point for both art and writing projects.Please follow me for new product updates and freebies. Thank you for your support :)I truly hope you and your students enjoy using this Types of Line Worksheet!